60. Repulsive

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'People follow leaders and they will never follow us. They find us repulsive.'

'I find us repulsive.'

'And we find them... repulsive, which is why we surround ourselves with large comfortable boxes to keep them away.'

'And yet... no matter what we do... people like you and me are never really satisfied inside the box.'

'Not for long.'

'You're right. Let's go for a walk.' Tyrion declared.

'No.' Varys told him sternly

'How many dwarves are there in the world? Is Cersei going to kill them all?'

'Possibly.' Varys told him

'We have been riding forever!' Tyrion declared bored out of his mind! 'come on let me stretch my legs and see my girls!' Tyrion begged. He could hear Tilly saying horsey, horsey and trying to neigh behind them as they went.

'My lord you are one of the most recognizable men in all of westeros, I cannot in good conscious-'

'Bad conscious then?' Tyrion offered.

'My lord.'

'Mabel!" Tyrion declared sticking his head out the window.

'Hello,' mabel said then looked down to tilly in her lap. 'you see TT?' she questioned pointing at Tyrion.

'Hi, hi!" Tilly said waving.

"hi, hi.' Tyrion repeated. 'Please, let me stretch my legs.' Tyrion begged.


'Why are we on a merchant boat with no sails?' Bronn questioned

'This ship is sailing to old town and then we will get onto another boat it will take us south of there and we will ride up to Dorne by the night.' Jaime told him.

'Have you ever been to Dorne?' Bronn questioned

'No.' jaime answered

'I have. The dornish are crazy. All they wanna do is fight and fuck and fuck and fight.'

'So you should be happy to go back there.' Jaime remarked.

'There's nothing like a good fight to get you in the mood.' Bronn agreed 'for fucking and there's nothing like a fuck mad Dornish girl to tickle your head for the next fight the two work together and we're going to be doing a lot of fighting for sure well I am but I don't imagine we'll get to stick around for the rest not after we've kidnapped their princess.'

'We are not kidnapping the princess.' Jamie clarified 'we are rescuing my niece and bring her back to her family.'

'Your niece?' Jamie stare at him moment longer 'I've been doing this thing a long time and I'm good at it.'

'That's why you were here.' Jamie told him

'I know but why are you here why not send 40 of me or an army unlike most folks you actually got one.' Bronn reminded him.

'Because I don't want to start a war.' Jaime told him

'That doesn't explain what you're doing here.' Bronn told him

'It has to be me.' Jamie told him

'If I am putting a list together a one-handed man who happens to be one of the most recognizable faces in Westeros...'

'It has to be me.' Jaime told him

'You set your brother free didn't you? I bet your sister did not like that.' bronn told him smugly.

'Varys set him free.' jaime corrected

'Well... If you ever see the wee fucker give him my regards.' Bronn said settling in it was going to be a long journey.

'He murdered my father.' Jaime reminded him 'if I ever see him I will split them into and then I will give him your regards.'


When the faith arrested Loras queen Margaery demanded that King Tommen take action as she knows Cersei is behind it.

'Why is my brother in a cell?'

'I don't know.' Tommen said his hand on his silverware as he stared up at her his food going cold before him as Margaery's hands slammed down on the table in outrage 'I didn't do it.'

'We both know who did,' Margaery corrected 'you told me she was returning to Casterly rock'

'You're saying my mother is behind this?'

'She's jealous you're not hers anymore arresting my brother is her revenge.' Margaery declared.

'Aren't you and mother getting along?' Tommen remarked and Margaery let out a deep sigh annoyed at how ignorant he could be you it was a blessing in disguise at times.

'Oh my sweet sweet King,' she said plopping down 'do you have any affection for me at all?'

'Of course I do.' he said grabbing her hand 'you are my queen'

'I can't bear to think of my brother locked away in some grimy cell.' she told him sadly it was the most honest thing she's ever told him.

'I'll set him free for you.' Tommen assured

'You promise?'

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