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'If I close my eyes, I can hear the sound of Oberyn's skull breaking. The sound of your scream. I never heard a sound like that. I thought, "That's true love." Oberyn looked beautiful that day. He really did. No one moved like him. No one had such skill with a spear. Even Ser Gregor couldn't stop him. If only he hadn't taunted him. He could've walked away and left poor Ser Gregor to die. But that wasn't your lover's way, was it? Now he's buried somewhere. And here's Ser Gregor, stronger than ever. That must be difficult for you. When my daughter was taken from me, my only daughter... well, you can't imagine how that feels unless you've lost a child. I fed her at my own breast even though they told me to give her to the wet nurse. I couldn't bear to see her in another woman's arms. I never got to have a mother, but Myrcella did. She was mine, and you took her from me. Why did you do that?' Cersei demanded.

But Ellaria didn't answer.

'Doesn't matter now.' Cersei went on 'Your daughter's a beauty, too. Those brown eyes. Those lips. Perfect Dornish beauty. I imagine she's your favorite. I know, I know, we're not supposed to have favorites, but still, we're only human. We love whom we love.' Ellaria mumbled a curse at cersei through the gag. 'I'm sorry, I can't understand you. That gag makes it impossible to understand what you're saying. It must be frustrating. We all make our choices. You chose to murder my daughter. You must have felt powerful after you made that choice.' Cersei went on and Ellaria grunted.

' Do you feel powerful now? I don't sleep very well. Not at all, really. I lie in bed and I stare at the canopy and imagine ways of kill my enemies. How to destroy Ellaria Sand, the woman who murdered my only daughter. I thought about having Ser Gregor crush your skull the way he did Oberyn's. It would be poetic, I suppose, but fast, too fast. I thought about having him crush your daughter's skull. She's so beautiful. The thought of this lovely face cracking open like a duck egg, no, it's just not right.' Cersei glanced over at Ellaria's daughter and she whimpered.

'Mama.' She was crying and that broke Ellaria's heart.

'Qyburn here is the cleverest man I know. Clever enough to learn what poison you used to murder Myrcella. The Long Goodbye, was that it?

'The Long Farewell.' He corrected

'That's the one. How long does the poison take?'

'Difficult to say-- hours, days. It depends on the subject's constitution.' He informed her.

'But death is certain?' cersei confirmed.

'Oh, yes, Your Grace, quite certain.'

'Your daughter will die here in this cell, and you will be here watching when she does. You'll be here the rest of your days. If you refuse to eat, we'll force food down your throat. You will live to watch your daughter rot.' A smile curved on Cersei's face 'To watch that beautiful face collapse...' Ellaria started sobbing '...to bone and dust. All the while contemplating the choices you've made. Make sure the guards change the torches every few hours. I don't want her to miss a thing. ' Both mother and daughter were crying


'Don't. What are you doing? No one can see us like this.' Jaime questioned as Cersei came in

'I am the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. I'll do as I please.' She said kissing Jaime as she pleased.

'Forgive me, Your Grace. The visitor from Braavos has arrived.'

'Good. And we'll need fresh sheets for the bed.' Cersei told him.

'At once, Your Grace.'


'No, thank you.' He declined the drink from Cersei as she sat down across from him 'My condolences, Your Grace, on the death of your son. From all reports, he was a fine young man.'

' The Iron Bank didn't send you here to offer condolences.'

'Condolences and congratulations. To become the first ruling Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, that's quite an accomplishment. The Iron Bank appreciates how you cast off the yoke of superstition, freeing the crown from elements who sought to subvert the rule of law. The destruction of the Sept of Baelor was a tragic accident.' He went on'

'Indeed, but sometimes tragedies are necessary to restore order and rational leadership.' Cersei reminded him

'The Iron Bank wants its gold back.'

'Your father never minced words either'. Cersei remarked, she knew the crown was in debt but she had no plans on paying them back.

'But, yes, your debts are considerable. And you're now engaged in a conflict on several fronts.'

'We both know how expensive war can be. And we both know gold wins wars.'

'Your vaults are empty. Your late husband's profligacy saw to that. Your wealthiest allies, the Tyrells, are now your enemies. You are surrounded on all sides by rivals for the throne.'

'And the Iron Bank wants to bet on a winner.' Cersei remarked.

'We don't make bets. We invest in endeavors we deem likely to be successful.'

'A fancy way of saying "bet." The war's already won. I've drawn first blood. I decapitated the Dornish snake. My armada owns the Narrow Sea. Euron Greyjoy's armada owns the Narrow Sea. Euron Greyjoy is loyal to me.' Cersei reminded him.

'For now. Daenerys Targaryen has three full-grown dragons. How well do wooden ships fare against fire-breathing dragons?'

'Her dragons might not be as invulnerable as some think. But let's talk about the Targaryen girl. You want to invest in her? I'm guessing the Iron Bank invested considerable gold in the slave trade. How are your profits now that Daenerys has freed all the slaves?' Cersei countered

'The slave trade has entered a downturn, it's true.'

'From what I gather, she considers herself more of a revolutionary than a monarch. In your experience, how do bankers usually fare with revolutionaries?' Cersei went on. 'The Lannisters owe the Iron Bank quite a lot of money, but Lannisters always pay their debts. Do former slaves or Dothraki or dragons?'

'Your father's daughter, indeed.'

'Give me a fortnight. Stay in King's Landing as my honored guest. And when you return to Braavos, I swear to you, my debt will be paid in full.'

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