Accused (Bob x Reader)

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(This one's long so buckle up!)

Y/n's POV
I groaned as pain shot through both my arms from how many push ups I just did. I stand up stretching my arms as Bob my lovely boyfriend walks up to me. " hey baby" I say with a grunt. " you okay ?" He asks and I nod my head."well the guys and Phoenix  are going to the hard deck and I told them we'd be there." I let out a big sigh " Bob I'm tired and I just want to go home and shower." "Please babe just for an hour or so" I sigh again because I know I can't say no to him. " okay but we aren't staying long" his face lights up and he kisses my cheek. " okay baby deal" and takes my hand pulling me towards the group. " alright meet y'all at the Hard Deck" Rooster says as we all walk to the locker rooms to change. Obviously me and Phoenix go to the women locker room. After I changed I walked out of  the locker room to find Bob waiting outside. "Ready to go love?" I ask him and he nods his head taking my hand leading us to his car. The drive was short. Bob pulled into a parking spot throwing the car in park and turning it off. He ran around the hood of the car to my side and opened my door. I giggle as he says "my darling" as he bows his head. I hop out and he shuts the door behind me. " my little gentleman" I say leaning up kissing his cheek. We make our Way inside and walk over to the bar. We order some drinks from Penny and she hands them to us "thanks Penny your the best" I say winking at her. Me and Bob make our way over to our friends. Fanboy walks up to me and says " hey Y/n can I talk to you privately" "ya sure" I say "I'll be right back Bob" walking outside with Fanboy as he leads me to his car. Which was parked outside the window that our friends were standing by but I didn't notice. "So Im planning on purposing to my girlfriend" "ong Fanboy congratulations!!" "Thank you " he says blushing. He unlocks the car door reaching in pulling out a black box from the consul. He opens it showing off a beautiful sparkly ring. "Omg Fanboy it's gorgeous" " so I did good?" He asks. "You did amazing she's gonna love it" "I'm gonna take her out to a nice dinner and then I'm gonna take her to her favorite park" "oh that's perfect Fanboy!" "Thanks I need help on my speech tho I don't know what to say" he says to me as we walk back on the sidewalk. "Well what do you have already?"

Bob's POV:
I noticed that Fanboy and Y/n are talking right outside the window so I casually go sit on the stool that was sitting next to  the window. I start to pick up on their conversations. " I love you so much and you make me the happiest man alive" my jaw clenches as my heart breaks. I look out the window to see Y/n's arms wrapped tightly around Fanboys neck his arms snaked around her waist. Smoke is practically coming out of my ears as I watch MY girlfriend hug the guy that is in love with her. I glance back and they are still hugging so I get up and walk back to the pool table with my friends. I can't believe her she's cheating we've been together for 2 years and it's all been wasted. All these thoughts are running through my head as I'm brought out of my thoughts by hangman slapping my shoulder. " you alright there Bob?" He asks and I say "ya" in an annoyed tone.

Y/n's POV: 
"I think that's good Fanboy that was perfect" I say pulling away from our hug. " she'll definitely say yes!" "Thanks Y/n your the best we'll I gotta go our dinner reservation are in an hour and I gotta go get ready." "Alright see you later Fanboy DONT worry she'll say yes I know it" I say winking at him. I walk back inside and rejoin my friends. I walk over to Bob wrapping my arms around his torso. Bob doesn't do anything his arm stay limp at his sides. I brush the thought away until he pushes me off him as he walks to the bar with Hangman. " hey Phoenix is there something wrong with Bob?" "Uh not that I know of he didn't say anything" she says. Time passes and Bob is still ignoring me. " you ready to go home Bob?" I ask and he nods saying bye to our friends and I do the same. Me and Bob walk out to the car when normally Bob opens my door for me but this time he walks to the driver seat leaving me standing outside of the car. I open the door hoping into the passenger seat "whats wrong handsome?" I ask turning to face Bob. "Nothing Y/n" he says sternly turning on the car. He whips out of the parking lot spreading down the street. "Bob! What are you doing you never speed!" "I'm driving Y/n!" The rest of the drive is quiet. Sighing in relief as we pull down the small drive to our little home. He puts the car in park turning it off. He gets out slamming the door behind him making me jump. He proceeds to walk inside leaving me in the car. I get out of the car walking into the house to see Bob taking off his shoes at the front door setting his keys in the bowl. " baby what's wrong? Please tell me" I say shutting the door behind me taking off my own shoes. He walks off into the living room and I run to catch up with his. I place my hand on his arm and he yanks his arm from my touch. " Bob what's going on?" I ask concern filling my mind. " I don't maybe it bothers me that my girlfriends a cheater!" He says very angrily. " a cheater? baby I've never cheated on you" " YOU LIAR I KNOW YOU CHEATED ON ME AND YOU CANT LIE TO ME!" He yells making me flinch. "Baby what are you talking abt I love you I wou-" " Y/N STOP LYING I CAUGHT YOU" tears start to trail down my face as I stand in front of Bob confused as ever. " Bob I- I- what are you talking abt?" " well I don't know maybe because Fanboy confesses his love for you and then you hug him for to long
y/n!" He says getting close to me. "Bob he wasn't confessing his love for me he was telling me his speech for when he purposes to his girlfriend! Baby I would never cheat on you I love you so much!" "THATS BULLSHIT Y/N HE DOESNT HAVE A GIRLFRIEND" "Why won't you believe me Bob I love you and I would never cheat on you I care abt you and I care abt our relationship" "your such a liar Y/n I can't believe you would do this! TO ME!" I can't control my tears as chest wracking sobs echo of me. I can barely breathe and I can't understand why he won't believe me. " I love you Bob I would never cheat on you! Your the man I wanna marry not Fanboy!" I say sobbing very loudly. I turn and race up the stairs into our bedroom and into our bathroom slamming the door sliding down it. I pull my knees to my chest as I continue to cry very loudly. I hear a loud crash from downstairs. I stand up and turn the shower on. I look into the mirror at myself my cheeks were all red and glossy and my eyes were red from crying. I can't seem to stop crying and I feel like I can't breath. Why would he think that doesn't he know I love him. All these thoughts are running through my mind as I strip of my clothes and get into the shower the warm water relaxing my aching arms and shoulders.

Bobs POV:
Why did Y/n have to ruin our relationship I loved her. Without thinking I flip the coffe table grunting in frustration. Just then my phone dings. Pulling my phone out I see a text from Fanboy to our friend chat. I click the message reading it as guilt washes over me. " hey guys just wanted to let y'all know that I finally purposed to my girlfriend"- Fanboy. I read the text again and again. Oh my god what have I done! I think as I drop the my phone racing upstairs. I hear the shower running and I knock on the door. " Y/n baby?" My heart breaks as I hear her sobs over the shower water. " Y/n baby can I come in?" I ask waiting for a response. I open the door making my way over to the shower. I strip off my clothes and pull back the shower curtain to find my beautiful girlfriend with her face in her hands still sobbing. " baby please don't cry" I say as I get in with her. "Baby im so sorry you were right I believe you now!" I say as I begin to massage her bare shoulders. "Baby I love you so much and im so sorry for being an asshole!" I say as I turn her around pulling her into my bare chest. She still has her hands covering her face. I wrap my arms around her shoulders kissing her head. " I'm so sorry baby please forgive me!" I pull away from the hug and grabbing her wrist gently away from her face. My heart aches at the sight of her blood shot eyes and red cheeks. "Oh baby" I say barely above a whisper. I take her cute little face into my hands as I kiss her forehead her right cheek her left cheek her nose her chin and then her lips. " baby I'm so sorry I love you and I don't wanna loose you I'm so sorry for being an asshole I shouldn't have yelled at you or accused you of being a cheater or a liar!" I say kissing her head again. I turn her back around as I begin to massage her shoulders again. She lets out a sigh of contentment and leans back against my chest. I lean down and kiss her shoulder then I kiss her neck then I kiss behind her ear. " I love you my angel"

Y/n's POV:
"I love you my angel" Bob says and my heart melts. He may have hurt me with his words earlier but he still makes my heart melt. He reached over and grabs the shampoo and begins to lather it in my hair rubbing my scalp with his fingers. I sigh again in contentment and I feel Bob lean down to kiss my shoulder yet again. I put my head under the water and he makes sure to get all of the shampoo out then he conditions my hair doing the same making sure all of it is washed out. Then he grabs a loofah putting soap on it he begins to wash my shoulder and washes down my arms he then puts the loofah in my hand so I can wash the rest of my body as he washes his hair. He then washes his own body and gets out wrapping a towel around his waist grabbing a towel for me. I step around and he immediately wraps the towel around me wrapping his arms around me. He walks into our room grabbing some undergarments and his T shirt for me and his underwear a pair of sweatpants and a T shirt for him. He dries himself off and gets dressed and turns to me. He takes out the hairdryer plugging it in he grabs my brush and begins brushing my hair ever so gently. He then turns the hairdryer on and begins to dry my hair. I smile as I watch him through the mirror. The look of concentration on his face making me giggle. He looks up as me confused " what's so funny" he ask smiling at me. "Nothing honey your just cute" I say and he finishes drying my hair. " all done !" He says putting down the brush and the dryer turning me to face him. "I love you so much Y/n I hope you can forgive me. I understand if you don't but just know I'm truly sorry. I don't deserve you at all!" I smile at leaning up before kissing him I say " I forgive you Bob" I turn around looking back into the mirror. Bob wraps his arms around my shoulders and points at us in the mirror. "You are a beautiful angel did you know that Y/n?" I giggle as I shake my head. He smiles as he attacks the side of my face with kisses. "Alright alright let me get dressed!" I say through my giggles. He pulls away and let's me get dressed. "You always look better in my t shirts" he says as he look at me. "In all seriousness Y/n I truly am sorry! I shouldn't have accused you like that let alone call you a liar! I'm so ashamed of myself I don't even know why I believed that!" I smile up at him and say " I forgive you Bob. Just please next time talk to me we can talk it out okay? You can always tell me how you feel and I'll always try to make it better okay? I love you and I want you to be happy!" He smiles widely at me and kisses my forehead. He surprises me by picking me up bridal style turning the bathroom light off and carry's me into our bedroom. He pulls the covers back and tosses me onto the bed. He runs and turns the light off. He climbs into bed with me laying on top of my chest nestling his head in the crook of my neck. He pulls the covers over us and I begin to run my fingers through his hair. "I love you Y/n my sweet angel" he says making me blush. He kissing my jaw and closes his eyes "please don't leave me
Y/n" he says barely above a whisper. "I wouldn't dream of it sweetheart Im not going anywhere" He begins to drift off to sleep his arms securely around my waist holding me close. I kiss his head softly before closing my own eyes drifting off to sleep.

Oh my lord this one's long but I hope y'all enjoy !!
Thank you so much to chelseacutlerr for this wonderful idea!!

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