The Final Battle

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This wasn't supposed to happen.
Not again...

"KYOKO" I hear momo scream, meeting her eyes across the field. Right before falling to the ground, a knife in my stomach.


   "Well, well, well. Guess we get to be rid of 7 Vampires tonight. And a human to join us"

My blood runs cold. Fuck. I'd been hoping so badly to avoid this. I motion to Iida behind my back for him to get Eri out of here. If this ends badly, she'll need someone, and he's her dad.

I turn to the hunters. Just Toga and Dabi now. Somehow still alive after all these years, thanks to the potions left from their long dead master, All for One. This was not how this was supposed to go.

Momo steps in front of me, ever so slightly, and I regret more than ever not having one of the others change me. At least then I could be of help.

"We don't want a fight. It's been centuries. You must see by now we're peaceful!" Ochako pleads. The hunters just smirk.

"This was never about peace. I think you know that quite well, Witch." Dabi responds, malice seeping into his words.

"He's right! We just want to make you bleed! Doesn't that sound amazing, Dabi? All of the, mangled an bloody, so beautiful..." Toga drifts off and starts pulling out her blades.

Then all hell breaks loose.

From somewhere in the forest, disfigured, patchwork creatures come out to join the hunters. We should have known they'd never come alone. It's too risky. This... complicates things.

The fight starts.

The 5 of us are barely a match for the creatures and the hunters combined, the odds keep tipping out of our favor. Please.... I'm so close....

Momo and I end up separated in the chaos, in fact, all of us are apart, and we're barely holding our own. Then Toga finds me.

I may be able to hold my own, but I never saw the knife coming


I fall to the ground, oh so reminiscent of my last death. Except, this time, we won't get another chance. That vault was our last chance. I see a blur as Momo rushes to me, gently lowering me, and then she's gone again.

Before long, all sounds of the fight fade away to nothing. I dont want to die again. All of the sudden, Momo is leaning over me again, crying.

Don't cry, Mo, I'm fine, nothing's wrong. I try to move my mouth but the words won't form. I can't move. Please no, I can't, let me stay!

She leans down, wrapping her arms around my shoulders, careful not to touch the hilt still lodged in my chest, before I feel a burning pain in my neck.

This is what death feels like. This isn't the peace, why am I burning? I scream, or at least, I think I do, but it does nothing to help the pain scouring every inch of my body.

And then,

it stops.

Everything stops.

I open my eyes to see my lover, looking down on me, searching for my eyes before immediately relaxing once she meets my eyes.

I look around, and the others are there too. Ochako has seen better days, a gash across one of her eyebrows and several scrapes and bruises. Kami and Toshi are in similar states, toshi with singe marks on his clothes and some scattered burns while denki looks like he has disassociated. Even Iida is there, coming back due to the lack of sound, if I had to guess, Eri clinging to his leg.

I look down, and the knife is gone. My wounds have sealed completely and it's as if I had never been stabbed at all. I look up to Momo before realizing.

It worked... she changed me.

Ochako comes over, extending her hand to help us up, and I gladly take it, Momo standing up with the help of Hitoshi, who still has an absent Kaminari in his arms. Before I can move in any direction, Momo is crushing me to her in a hug I've waiting my entire life for.

I feel myself break, and let the tears fall, finally safe and home in her arms. I hear the others talking before I feel an arm under my legs and I'm picked up off the ground.

I cling to her neck as though my life depends on it, and hide my face in her shoulder, not caring where we go now that I have her back.

We somehow make it back to our car and one of the hunters that he managed to stumble upon while coming back to find us. Iida takes Ochako and Eri to his car, while Hitoshi loads Kami into the passenger side of the recovered car and Momo slips into the backseat, still holding onto me.

I might sleep, or I might just drift between consciousness, but the next thing I remember, we're back at Iidas house and Ochako is deciding to stay with him and live her life with him again.

She walks over to where I am now standing beside Momo and hands us a set of keys, giving Momo a knowing look. Iida offers to take the boys back to their home while Momo leads me back to the passenger side of the car.

It takes quite a but of convincing for me to let her take away contact long enough to circle the car to get in, but eventually we manage. We drive for a while, still too stunned to speak but never once letting go of each other's hand.

We pull up to a small cabin in the forest sometime later and Momo leads me inside our home. She explains how she had it built for when she got me back and I can feel the tears welling up again.

Before i can turn into a blubbering mess again, I smile and pull myself back into her arms, with no plans to leave in the next several decades.

Word Count:
1013 words

Hey guys!!! Sorry it took me so long to finally finish this fic, a lot has been going on in my life, so I thank you for being patient with me. This is the final part of Timeless Love and I hope you enjoyed it<3
-Much Love, Luka

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