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Jirou POV~

     While was that? That voice sounds so familiar. But why does it sound so heartbroken?
     "....ou! ..rou! Jirou!! Wake up!" I slowly open my eyes to the sound of my mother calling for me, the sound of that feminine voice still ringing in my ears. I sit up in my bed, bringing my hand up to shield my eyes from the light peeking through my black-out curtains. What time is it?
      Before I can check my mom opens my door and comes inside.
      "Jirou! You're up! It's almost noon and your appointment is at 1! Hurry up and get ready!" She says before rushing out of my room. Appointment? What does she me..... SHIT! My memories!
         Today is my 18th birthday, and I finally get to remember my past life. I've always had flashs of my past, a woman with gorgeous, raven black hair, a brunette with constantly flushed cheecks, running from someone... that's pretty much it. But every time I think of the dark haired beauty my heart skips a beat and I start to lose myself in her stone gray eyes. If course, it never lasts long.
     The longest I've seen a clear image of her was when I fell out of a tree and passed out for a bit. She comforted me while I was unconscious, holding me close and playing with my hair. That was 3 years ago.
      I rush to my closet and grab a dark pink tee shirt with slits near the neckline and I pair of light blue jean shorts that went to my mid thigh. I grabbed my black combat boots before rushing out of my room and down to the kitchen. Mom was cleaning up around the kitchen and Dad was at work. Mom took the day off so she could take me to the appointment.
     "I'm ready mom." She looks up at me, pushing her glasses back on her nose, before nodding and grabbing her purse. As we get into the car, mom looks at me.
   "Are you nervous?" She asks.
   "Terrified," I respond with a slight chuckle. I'm nervous as to what my life was like. Did I have a lover? Was it the ravenette? What happened to me?
    I get lost in thought and before I know it we are at the hospital. I take a deep breath before getting out of the car and walking inside with Mom. She holds my hand, even though as of today, I'm technically an adult. We sign in at the front desk and wait for my name to be called. Mom won't be allowed in the room when I have the procedure, so she wishes me luck while we sit in the waiting room.
    "Is it scary?" I ask her.
    "A little bit, but it's not too bad. After all, that's how I found your father again." Mom and Dad had been lovers before, and once they remembered, they set off to find each other. I nod and try not to fidget as I wait.
    A short time later my name us called and I follow a blonde nurse back to my room.
  "Doctor Ochako will be here in just a moment," she says before walking out of the room. A few minutes later a short girl with a brown bob and flushed cheecks walks in. She is occupied by the clipboard in her hands and doesnt look up for a moment. She seems familiar...... wait! She's the one from my memories. I gasp, which causes her to look at me. As soon as she does her eyes widen.  
    "Kyoka?" She asks, " is that really you?" 
     " I know you!" I say at the same time. She shakes her head and walks over to me.
      "I thought I'd have to look all over for you, but you dropped right into my hands. Thank goodness. It's been long enough." She chuckles a bit as she says that.
     Before I can question her she takes a syringe and places it in my forearm. "This will answer all of your questions." She says quietly and I slip into unconsciousness.
    All of the sudden I'm a little girl, playing with a boy from my village, Kaminari. He's a vampire. Wait.... I thought vampires were myths! I guess not. I look around and suddenly I'm a bit older, maybe 9, and a girl walks up to me.
   "Hi! I'm Momo! It's nice to meet you! I look up at her face and realize she is the ravenette from my flashes. She smiles and reveals her fangs. I guess she's a vampire too.
    I blink and I'm older again, around 14 and im in the woods with Momo, her hands cradling my face as she gives me my first kiss. Its gentle and sweet, like honey.
     Then I'm 16, trying to convince Momo to make me one of her kind.
    "When you turn 18." She replies.
   Ochako walks over to us as she practices her spells, knowing it entertains us. She is also a vampire, but her mom was a sorceress and so she is learning magic as well.
    Next thing I know I'm in the city, shopping for a dress to wear to the changing ceremony tomorrow when a blue-haired man rushes up and attacks us. Momo and I run but he's faster. I feel an incredible pain in my stomach as I've been stabbed and Momo cradles me in her arms as I take my final breaths. She's crying. I think I am too. This is the end. "I'll never forget you," Momo vows.
      I'm roughly pulled back into my body and lock my eyes to Ochako's.
     "She forgot about me..." I say, my tone heartbroken as I realize my true love forgot about me. That's the only way I could be alive.
    "She didn't." Ochako replies. Oh no... that only leaves one option. Tears begin rolling down my face.
   "Then she's..... dead?" I say barely above a whisper. Ochako gasps and quickly shakes her head no.
   "No! She is very much alive. I made a chamber for her. She is currently in a deep sleep until you unlock it. She had to wait 500 years, but she never forgot about you." I let out a small sigh of relief.
    "There's just one question I must ask," she says. I look up at her with questioning eyes.

"Are you ready to wake her up?"

1073 words

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