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     Denki's eyes lock with mine, looking as if he has seen a ghost. Which, in a way, I guess he did.

   "Hey Denks. It's been a while, hasn't it?" I say with a slight chuckle.

     Before I can even blink, Denki has me wrapped in a bone crushing hug. I return the hug, tears seeping from the corners of my eyes. I've never felt so at home. It feels as though a piece of my heart has been restored.

      Denki pulls away from the hug to frame my face with his hands. Like he's taking in every detail as though I'm going to disappear. Tears begin to run down his face as well, leaving tracks down his cheeks.

     "How is this even possible? You're not able to come back until your soulmate..... oh my goodness, is Momo dead?! Oh honey, I'm so sorry!" His eyes look so heartbroken as he says that.

   "No," I say with a watery smile, "she is very much alive. Just.... kinda stuck in a vault at the moment. And we need your help to get to her."
   "That's why we are here," Ochako says behind me. "You guys remember the Hunters?"

   Both Shinsou and Denki nod, a worried look on their faces.

    "Well, they're back. And they know where the vault is. They are after Momo, and we have to stop them." I say, making Hito and Denki look back to me.

    "How long do we have?" Hitoshi asks, always the calmer of the two.

    "Till the next full moon." I say, causing Denki to gasp.

     "So-," his gaze moves back and forth between Ochako and I- "That we have approximately four days until Momo is killed?!" He asks, his partner wrapping his arms around the blonde's waist and resting his head on his shoulder.

     Ochako and I share a glance.

     "Yes." We reply in unison.

   Denki looks at me for a moment before answering.

   "Okay, we're in." He says, moving away from the purple haired male and going towards the house.

   "Hito, you and Ochako go to the basement and get the weapons, Kyo, you and me will get the clothes packed."

     The tired male and bubbly brunette nod sharply and walk off in one direction while I follow Denki. We make our way to Denki and Hito's room, and I admire the photos on the wall. Denki and Hito smiling at their wedding, sitting at the beach, picnics, all make my heart melt.

       When we get to the bedroom, I notice even more pictures, but much older ones. I even see myself and Momo in a few. She is so beautiful. I can't wait to see her... again, I guess?

      We start packing as Denki throws questions at me about my life. I answer them all as best I can, telling him about my old pets, partners, my parents, music. Pretty much anything to do with my current life. We fall into conversation so easily no one would know we hadn't seen each other in centuries.

     I laugh at the stories he tells me about Hito and Uraraka, and he rages about my father after I tell him the story of when I left the house. Just like old times, we talk about any and everything. It just comes naturally.

     After we pack all the clothes we head to the foyer where Ochako and Hitoshi are waiting for us with the weapons packed away in large, black duffel bags, making full clanking notices when they are shifted. I smile at them both before turning my attention back to Denki, who has started talking.

    "Here is the plan. Since Kyo is still human and Momo isn't here to change her right now, Me, Ochako, and Hito will take turns driving. If we only make a few pit stops for the human to eat and freshen up, we should make it to Momo in a day and a half. That wont give us much time to wake her, but it should be enough. Everyone okay with the plan?"

   We all nod, since Denki's plan is actually very useful. Since the others don't need sleep, we won't have to stop cor the nights when everyone is tired.

    We walk out to my car and place the suitcases and duffel bags in the trunk, as I silently thank god no one is near to see us. They would think we were going to commit a terrorist act. Not a setback we can afford at the moment.

    Hitoshi takes first shift driving away from the house with a couple of glances back at his home. I know he is worried, along with the others, but he is acting incredibly brave, so are Denki and Ura. I try to act strong, but I know they sense my anxiety and fear over what's to come.

    There are so many variables to consider. What if she doesn't want me any more? What if the time she spent in the vault made her think more critically of her opinion on me and she doesn't want or love me anymore?

   I force those negative thoughts from my head, remembering all the times Momo told me she loved me and wanted me and needed me. And soon, I will be able to hear her say those words again. I'll be able to feel her arms around me as she wraps me up in a tight hug, whispering she lives me in my ear over and over again, but I wouldnt mind.

     I continue my daydreaming as I stare out the window, watching the miles go by. Normally I would appreciate the beauty of the land we passed, but as of now my focus is on getting the love of my life back. She didn't give up on me, so I won't give up on her. Never. I will burn the world down if that's what it takes to find her. Because one I find her... I'm never letting go of her.

Word Count: 1,000
Sorry this update took so long. I haven't had a lot of motivation lately, plus school started back, so I've been really busy💙

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