Chapter 1 "New Friend and new Rival"

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After a few years... Choco Mallow grows up. She woke up early this morning, because she heard some noises outside. As she went outside, she saw a black with brown hair, brown and white clothes, and black eyes. "H-hey miss... Who are you?" Choco Mallow said as the girl looked at her. "Who are you either?" The girl said. "I'm Choco Mallow, the princess of this kingdom." Choco Mallow said as the girl suddenly shocked and came to her. "OMG!!! You're the princess... Apologize for what I said last time... I'm Caramel Arrow! And I'm going to be the Watcher of this kingdom... We could be friends if you want to!" And Choco Mallow smiled.

"Come here! I'll show you where I train." As they came into Caramel Arrow's room, Choco Mallow was shocked. "Oh my... This is awesome!" She said as she was about to hold the food, but Caramel Arrow stopped her. "I'm sorry Choco Mallow, but... I'm not allowed to give you my food..." She said with sadness on her face. "It's alright... I just forgot to eat breakfast.. I'll just go outside to get some, See you!" And then they both wave hands. Choco Mallow gets her plate, until she sees too many desserts. "Uhh... Why are there so many desserts there? I better tell my father-" As she said it, someone interrupted her. And it's a boy with dark brown hair with white stripes, black eyes and black with violet clothes. "Oh hey there... Enjoying the desserts that I served at the table?" He said as Choco Mallow was shocked... He's the one who served all these desserts?!?! "Uhh.. Sir, may I have a question, Why are there too many desserts? I just wanna eat something different.."

The man suddenly felt a negative emotion... "What did you just say?" He said as Choco Mallow was scared. "N-nothing!?!? And- i-i'm not saying that your desserts are not delicious or something!?! My problem is just... it's too many." Choco Mallow said as the man glared at her and Dark Cacao came. "Oh my daughter! You're awake now! What happened here?" Dark Cacao said as Choco Mallow hugged her father. "D-dad... I'm just telling him that there's too many desserts and he was mad at me..." She said as tears came to her. "Oh.. don't cry and also... Forgive me about Affogato." Dark Cacao said as Choco Mallow was shocked. "WHO HAS HE??! AND WHAT IS HE DOING HERE-" "Calm Choco Mallow... As I said, forgive me about him... He was actually helping here in the kingdom and his desserts can heal your pains.." And then Affogato and Choco Mallow started to glare at each other whenever they saw each other. And then as Choco Mallow saws him again, she got mad and she bit her lips due to her anger. And then she goes to a door and slams it. "ARRRGGGHHH!?!?!?!? WHY I'M LIKE THIS... WHAT HAVE I DONE TO HI-" She stopped shouting as Caramel Arrow entered the door. "Are you alright friend? Calm and relax..." Caramel Arrow said as Choco Mallow breathed heavily. "Don't worry, I knew what happened last time to you... Hahaha.... You're also angry at that brat, bossy and hot tempered man? Well you're not alone.." Caramel Arrow said as she pats Choco Mallow's head. And then Choco Mallow hugged her. (Aww~ best buddies momento 🤧✨)

And then as new friends, they tell many stories about them. Choco Mallow did tell all the stuff about her. But until the part she tells about her brother, tears start to drop carefully... Caramel Arrow comforted her. She wipes Choco Mallow's tears with her thumb. "It's alright! Sorry for making you tell me about your brother... Let me get you a glass of boba!" And then Caramel Arrow orders boba from her favorite milk tea store. "Hello sir, may I order some 2 milk teas?" She said as the counter was shocked. "2 bobas?!?! Are you sure about that? I only know is you always order 1 boba per day.." "Ehem.. the one boba is for my friend, Choco Mallow!" She said as the counter makes 2 bobas. "I-i can't believe that Caramel Arrow has a friend.... Which is a princess of the Dark Cacao Kingdom..." The counter said to his mind as he now served the boba. "Thanks, heres my money!" She said as she leaves with a smile on her face. And then she came to Choco Mallow's room, but she wasn't there?! "Ch-choco Mallow.... Where are you?!" She said as she started to find her. She kept finding her everywhere in the kingdom. And then as she runs, she notices the man and the girl arguing, and it's Choco Mallow and Affogato, fighting about proper rules and respect in the kingdom. "YOU... I'M SUPER ENOUGH OF YOU... YOU ALWAYS DISRESPECT THE VISITORS AND CAN'T YOU JUST BELIEVE IN THEM, FOR ONCE?!" Choco Mallow shouted as Affogato became angry. "I'M JUST TRYING TO MAKE SURE THAT THIS KINGDOM WILL BE SAFE AND SOUND!!!" "TRYING TO MAKE THE KINGDOM SAFE? BUT LOOK WHAT HAVE U DONE TO THE SUFFERING GIRL, CAN YOU-" "ENOUGH!?! WHAT'S HAPPENING HERE?" Caramel shouted as she glared at Affogato and brought Choco Mallow back to her room. "Hey my friend, why did you get out and fight with that brat?" Caramel Arrow said as she gave Choco Mallow some boba. "Oh.. I was peacefully waiting for you, and then I got bored so I decided to take a walk... And then that stupid bossy boy came to the same direction as me.... Then he saw a villager, he let her out of the kingdom.. And then I tried stopping him for being like that" And then Caramel Arrow hugged her once again (how sweet friends :3) "Well I see you have a very defensive personality, and I like it! But just make sure not to cause trouble in this kingdom, especially the part that you were a princess of this kingdom." "Don't worry... My dad loves me and he knows that I won't cause any problems.."

Choco Mallow and Caramel Arrow talked once again... And then a few minutes later, Caramel waved her hands at her and they both slept.

~the next day~

Choco Mallow woke up and it was another day. She gets out of her bed and gets breakfast. She doesn't mind anymore when there's too many desserts, but the only important thing is she can eat. And then Affogato saw her eating desserts, and he smiled. "Wow! You're enjoying my desserts huh?" And then Choco Mallow glared at him. "Obviously.... No" And then as she ate the dessert, Choco Mallow was shocked... "Nevermind... I changed my mind!" She said as she ate the 3rd serving of desserts. Affogato started to think that she was apologizing to him. So he started to be kind to Choco Mallow, but still Choco Mallow was angry and avoided him. He also started to be kind and happy to her. "Hey, Choco Mallow! Uhh-" He stopped speaking as Choco Mallow slammed the door. "Oh..." He added.
Choco Mallow came to her friend's room. And then she tapped Caramel's shoulder. "Oh hey there friend, I see you're- uhh... Are you alright?" She became speechless as she saw Choco Mallow's weird expression. "Want some boba?" she added. "Uhh... Sure but let me ask you something first.."


"WHAT?!?! AFFOGATO ACTING KIND TO YOU?!?" Caramel Arrow shouted. "Ye... I don't even know why he's acting like... suspicious to me." Caramel Arrow face palmed and then she sips the boba. "Uhm... My friend, I think if he really does act kind to you... as in he's serious that he's kind to you, maybe you should start acting kind to him as well... We have no choice but to do that, plus having friends isn't that bad right?" She said as Choco Mallow thought deeply and she nodded. "I guess you're right... I should be kind to him.." And then Caramel Arrow hugs her once again... (Do you guys really have to hug after a conversation? 🤦) And then Caramel Arrow says goodbye, cuz she needs a time for her training. Meanwhile Dark Cacao called his daughter.

"My daughter... I really almost forgot to tell you this... I guess this is the time for you to learn to fight.. Let's go to the train room." Dark Cacao said as Choco Mallow was very shocked... "Wait father- JUST LIKE WHAT DARK CHOCO DID?!?!" And then Dark Cacao nodded. 

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