Chapter 2 "Choco Mallow's training"

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As they came to the training room, she was nervous and she couldn't accept training. "Alright, as the people of the Dark Cacao in different generations... They learned how to fight... They fight for their family, friends, relatives and so much more... It is important for you to learn to fight for the safety of this kingdom, and as well as for yourself... I know you're a girl but... we have no choice but to do this training.. But use this sword for training..." As Choco Mallow holds the sword, she can't hold it properly as it was heavy as a stormy snow. "F-father... The sword is... too... heavy" She said as Dark Cacao let her stop to hold it. "Well... I guess you 're a bit weak to hold this sword.. Let me find you a perfect sword instead..."

Dark Cacao tried to find a perfect sword but none of them were tight for Choco Mallow to use. And then he was super sad that he can't really find one. "I'm sorry my dear daughter but I can't find any weapon for you to use." He said as Choco Mallow suddenly felt sad and she left. As she has sadness on her face, Affogato sees her and he goes near her. "Hey princess, so umm... Why are you s-" "What are you doing here again?" Choco Mallow said with a soft tone. Affogato continuously follows the sad yet lonely princess. And then as they came to her room, Choco Mallow jumps at her bed and cries. Affogato was shocked, and then he sat next to the crying princess. "I'm honest... Tell me, why are you crying? What happened?" And Choco Mallow was shocked, "Is he really kind to me now? Or he just acts like he's kind... Well better talk to him ''''Well... It's just that my father can't find me a weapon for my training, And at the same time i don't wanna do that training." She cried a little. "Aww~ It's alright... I think there will be a weapon for you soon.." Affogato said as Choco Mallow still feels sad. And then Affogato left her for a while to make some surprise for her. He came back but he saw her sleeping. He instead patted her and he also left a dessert. Caramel Arrow came to Choco Mallow's room and she was sleeping. "Oh.." She said as Choco Mallow woke up. "Oh hey there friend... Is your training done?" Choco Mallow said as Caramel nodded. "Look! You have desserts... I wonder who left that, but since it's in your room, this must belong to you... I also brought you some boba!"

And then they talked about something again... "You have training and your father can't find you a weapon? Damn... If only that sword isn't that heavy. But maybe bow and arrow can be your weapon!" Caramel Arrow said as she held her friend's hand and ran. And then they stopped as Caramel was now in her training room. "Here's my training room! I know that you aren't gonna be a watcher but maybe we should train together! Is it ok?" Caramel said as Choco Mallow nodded with a smile. And then it is the very first time that she's holding a bow, and it's tight for her to hold it. Caramel tells her how to use an arrow and turn it into 2 blades. And somehow she found it a little easy. "W-wait... that's not how you-" and then they slipped. As Caramel opened her eyes, she was shocked and she told Choco Mallow to stand. (Caramel Arrow being sus- joke) "Aggh... Lets just rest first..." Caramel Arrow said as they sat together. "Damn, i want some more boba-" "Isn't too much boba?" Choco Mallow asked. "How many bobas do you drink tho?" Choco Mallow said as Caramel was laughing... "Well it depends on my mood... But I drink 7 bobas in 1 day!" Choco Mallow was shocked and then she faints. Meanwhile Affogato saw them two. "Those two in training? I can't let Princess Choco Mallow become a Watcher like that brat..." Affogato said as he goes to Dark Cacao to tell all this news. "What?" Dark Cacao said as Affogato tells everything about what he saw last time. "Maybe just let them be..." Dark Cacao added.

"Oh about this heavy thing, friend... What in the world is this?!!?" Caramel Arrow said as she was carrying a big marshmallow hammer with chocolate stick. "Idk that... But I saw that from my room..." And then as Choco Mallow holds it, she can hold it with her 2 hands?!? "Wow!!! I can't believe that you can hold that heavy hammer... Well I heard it's the most rare weapon here in this kingdom... So you're lucky that you'll be the first cookie who will use that.." Caramel Arrow said as Choco Mallow is super happy to hear that. As they train, Choco Mallow can easily use the hammer and Caramel Arrow was happy (i'm over using this word ;v;) And then something popped into Caramel Arrow's mind. "Wait a minute... Why not train like, ''Pretend that i'm your enemy ''''Wait- HUH?!" Choco Mallow was shocked as Caramel Arrow slash her sword and she points her other blade (she can form her arrow into 2 blades :v) to Choco Mallow. "Nah don't worry... We don't need to hit each other for real... Plus I mentioned that this will be "training".

And then they use their weapons but Choco Mallow can't fight properly due she was afraid of "hitting" her friend in some accident. Caramel became angry. "Bruh... Why aren't you acting like you're in a real battle?" "I just told you, i'm afraid you might get hitten-" " I just mentioned that... Girl... I am well-trained, so I know how to dodge attacks.. And i don't wanna hurt you as well"
They now continue the training... After a few hours of training, they fell on the ground and they got tired. "Fr- that was tiring... At least I enjoyed training with you, my friend!" Caramel Arrow said as Choco Mallow gave food to her beloved friend. "Aww thanks!" Caramel Arrow added as she was eating it while a little tears on her face. Then Choco Mallow leaves to eat some dinner and she goes to her room and sleeps...

Affogato came to see Choco Mallow. Caramel was about to walk but to rest as well but something caught her attention, and she saw Affogato going towards her friend's room. Then, Affogato saw Choco Mallow sleeping deeply. He put some dessert on her table and covered it. Caramel was shocked about this... "Affogato.. Men, I wonder what thing he put on my friend's table..." And then Caramel Arrow ran instead of just watching, And Affogato was shocked that someone was watching over him. "Hmm... Was that watcher... watching over me?"

~the next day~

Another morning and Choco Mallow woke up. As she was about to go up her bed until the Sugary Dark Cacao Watcher came to her room. "Your highness, someone told me that someone wants to meet you this morning right now..." The watcher said as Choco Mallow was shocked. "Who was even that person who wanted to meet me?" "You'll see... Don't worry, here's breakfast! I know you're hungry" Choco Mallow eats the breakfast as someone comes. And it's none other than... A mystery person with a hood. "Hello kid, may you follow me?" The man said as Choco Mallow was shocked.

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