Chapter 4 "Affogato's Flashback"

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Then Choco Mallow ate some dessert that Affogato gave her. "One morning... In the beautiful spring, there was a pretty woman named... Peony Butterfly."

Affogato's backstory flashback:

Peony Butterfly's POV:

One day, I was in the Bloom Fields where you can have your inner peace... I used to go there and pray that I could pass the exam. And then I went out to the Bloom Altar as I wanted to drink a Bloom Tea, which my mother prepared for all of the people in this kingdom. I walked carefully as all the people stared at me. "She's so gorgeous, isn't it?" One person said, "Yes... She is, she is the daughter of the Queen" "*giggles* I wish I could be pretty, just like her!" As I heard that whisper, I cast my power, without them seeing it. The girl was suddenly shocked. "You're so pretty now!" "What?!?!? So fast- My wish has been granted.. YES!!!!! Lets thank that person who did that" And i smiled. I'm now in my home and my mother welcomed me with a sweet smile. "I'm glad you're in good timing! Here, have some tea and later prepare for the final training!" My mom said as I ran and I got the tea to take a sip. I was so bored and then I looked at the sky, and something got me.... I remember last month about my first training.

"MOM!!! I-IM SORRY...." I said as I failed to use the sword in my training. "I-it's alright my daughter... Everyone fails, no one is perfect..." She said as I cried a little and I got the sword. To be honest, I hate using swords. They're the hardest thing to use. But I really have no choice, this is how my family survived. Then my mom suddenly calls me. "My daughter! Time for training.." She said as I now stand and I prayed once again that I can do this. I go to the training room and I gulp as I see my mom smiling and the other of her students. I held the samurai gently and I looked at mom. "This is the time we will do the training, but make sure to be careful!" She said as I noticed that my hands were shaking in tremble. The girl plays the flutes, which means the training between me and my mom will start. Mom swooshes the sword so fast that I almost lose balance, And then I tried reading her movements. Then I swoosh the sword as well and it clings. My mom smiled as she saw me doing it. "Nice move my daughter!" She said as she pointed the samurai at me and I found a way to stop the pointing sword for me to avoid getting killed by the enemy.

"My daughter! If this happens to you, what will you do?"

"I will dodge it?"

"How will you dodge it?"

"I'll move away!"

"Wrong, the enemy might have a chance to kill you if u ever did it!"

"But that's what came to my mind mom.."

"Good choice tho... But here's what you have to do.. You have to slash it with your samurai and then attack him/her!"

Then I slash the sword and I get away and point the sword to her. Then she stopped and her samurai almost dropped. "Wow, you did learn a lot about the lessons we learned!" Mom said as me and her continued to do it, until I ran out of focus, which made me slip to dodge mom's attack. And my samurai suddenly fell. I was about to get it until someone was also getting my samurai and it made us hold hands together. I looked up as I saw a man. "M-miss, here's your samurai" He said as I shyly got the samurai from his hands. A-am I falling in love? But mom got my attention and I forgot about my last training. But instead she gave me a medal. "Congratulations, You passed the exam!" She said as I wore the medal and the man congratulated me as well. And the good news is he is the same age as me. "I guess you're right my daughter, you should be whoever you want to, you can be a mage!" She said as I was crying in joy, and she gave me a mage wand, with sakuras on it. "Thank you so much mommy!" I said as I now became the mage of the kingdom.

Day by day, me and the boy hang out together. Then something unexpected happened this morning. He confessed his feelings to me and I hugged him.

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