Chapter 6 Part 1 "Unexpected"

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Choco Mallow, Caramel and Crunchy Chip came inside, with anger expression. Caramel looked at the princess and felt the pain... except for the one...

"Uhh... Choco Mallow, princess... Want some boba?" She said. "Uhh sure!" She replied. Then Cara noticed Crunchy. "How about you?-" 

"Sorry... ill pass" He spoked. 

Caramel and Choco Mallow leaved him and buys some bobas. "Thank you for ordering!" The counter said as he waves his hand to the 2 people of the Dark Cacao Kingdom. 

Many minutes passed by, Crunchy Chip glaring at how stressful he is... His evil smile, his shadow eyes, his... actions.... Everything... makes his anger out.  "Choco Mallow the princess is right! He is indeed a villain in this kingdom. Right, my cream wolves..?" He said and the cream wolf barks... which means "yes". Then he leaves outside to guard the kingdom. 

Caramel and Choco now had a good moment. Laughing, telling stories, etc... 

She had the best day. While Caramel suddenly forgots that her break is over. "Oh- Choco Mallow, Ihavetogonowbecause- i have a training with Tapioca! Byeeee!" She said as she runs faster. Choco Mallow simply giggled and saw how Caramel runs in a hurry. 

Choco Mallow sips the rest of her boba. The king walks and saw her outside. "Oh hey there my child... S- oh... WAIT?! WHAT'S THAT YOU'RE DRINKING??!! IS THAT SWEET OR SOMETHING?!" Dark Cacao shouted as Choco Mallow suddenly spits her boba that is on her mouth. "Ugh.. Dad, you shook me!" She said as she wipes her mouth with tissue. "Tell me... What's that? May I taste it?" Dark Cacao questioned. Choco Mallow suddenly felt nervous and can't answer. "My child... did you hear my question? Hmm?" He asked again. "Y-yes! Hehe.. I'm still thinking of words to-" "MY QUESTION IS VERY EASY, SO NO NEED TO THINK OF ANY GOOD WORDS TO ANSWER?!?!" He shouted as he grabs the boba that Mallow is holding. She forms a nervous face. 

Dark Cacao now drinks the boba and sips a little. 

"Oh god- i forgot that my dad hates sweets..."

"What am i gonna do?!"

"What if he doesn't allow me to drink boba anymore..."

"What if he punishes me-"

"Relax Choco M.... It's just a small issue... You woudn't get punished for it..."

She closes her eyes, waiting for Dark Cacao's answer.... Then Cacao finally spoke.

"My darling.... uhh.... this drink... "

"What, dad?" Choco Mallow said, as she opens her eyes carefully. 

Cacao simply...

laughed "Ohoho... My dear, I thought you promised me not to drink nor eat sweets... Then why you do this huh?! Ahahahah" He said. "But, my friend.. Caramel, gave that to me!" She said as Dark Cacao continuously laughs. "My daughter.... You also don't want sweets because, it reminds you of............... 


As Choco Mallow hears her most hated person's name, her face turns red from anger and- Cacao looks at her. "Ok ok.... I understand that you hate him so much, because I felt the same.. I just don't wanna show him my anger for now." He explained as Choco Mallow shocked. 

"I'm glad to hear that dad... I wished that I have a power to vanish him!" 

"Not for now, daughter!" He said, still laughing on how proud that he had a daughter showing what truly a Cacaoian is. He now gives the boba and pats her child. "Next time... know your moves....!" Then he leaves her.

Choco Mallow wipes the straw, as it is she doesn't want any other saliva from it.

Affogato sits at his favorite spot and has many thoughts from his mind. "What have i done to her....? Idk why i wanna be kind to cookies but... My goal here is to get the king's throne... Hmm... What should i do to get my goal?"

"then try to find a way to interrupt the king, then maybe it would be nice if you will include Choco Mallow in your plans..."

"t-that voice... again... W-what do you need from me?!!?"

"I am just trying to help you, my child....."

"D-dont call me in that name... As if i do not know you nor your voice"

"That doesn't matter... but the important is i'm gonna help you.."

"W-what are you gonna help to me?"

Then Choco Mallow saw him, with worried face.... "Hmm, poor him tho.... But I won't forgive on what he has done to Crunchy last time!" She said. 


"Caramel! Caramel!!!" Tapioca shouted as Caramel came to see how's her student doing. "Wow! Very- oh.... Damn!" She replied seeing Tapioca's 5th failure of the training. "That's not how you do that... Ok ok... Let me show you this 10th time!" She said. Then she holds her 2 blades and does the moves.

"Wow! That's nice..." 

"'Nice', but you can't even master the basics..." Caramel replied with a grin. "You'll see soon, haha!" Then they stand up to start the training.


Chapter 6 Part 2, coming soon! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2022 ⏰

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