
769 53 12

Namaskaram 🙏

Date of Update: 19.08.2022


Mid noon mid summer sun is emitting the heat all over the city. Even in that hot afternoon the whole city is very busy with lots of traffic. People kept wiping their sweat and continuing their work. Like everyone the employees in that office building are also working seriously.

There is a ting sound indicating it to be the lunch break. The whole place turned bustle. But there is a girl who is very involved in her work and didn't paid heed to the ting sound.

"Ragini!" A girl kept her hand on the girl's shoulder bringing her to the earth from the world of work.

Ragini looked at her raising her eyebrow.

"It's lunch time buddy. You were very much involved." The girl said.

Ragini looked at her watch and hit her head lightly. She smiled at the girl thankfully nodding and the girl left. Ragini sighed. She took her lunch box from her bag and moved towards the canteen where everybody would be having their lunch. While moving towards her usual lunch place she frowned seeing one of her colleagues and also a good friend sitting alone and thinking deeply staring at the food. She sat opposite to him.

"Are you trying to have food just by looking at it Laksh?" she asked.

Laksh looked above and shook his head smiling lightly. Usually she prefers to have her food alone since she tries to concentrate only on her food. She believes food has to be eaten with concentration and being silent. But today seeing him sitting alone unusually and also in deep thoughts she thought he might need some company.

"Then why is it untouched today?" she asked opening her box.

It contained as usual vegetable salad, some rice and some dal. She always keep an eye on her diet. Not to maintain her physical body structure but to stay fit and healthy both physically and mentally.

"No... nothing!" Laksh said and was about to get up.

"I left my usual place and sat here just to make your mood good but I think you are in no mood to get to your normal mood." She said shrugging.

He sat back and sighed.

"I am worried about my shelter from next week." He said.

"Why? What happened to the place where you are living now?" she asked.

"Till now I stayed as a PG. But now they want everybody to vacate the PG so that they can renovate it properly. They had told me a month ago regarding it but every house I got to see was either beyond my budget or very far from our office. You know about Mumbai traffic!" he said sighing.

"Hmm... really a problem." She said.

"Hmm... I asked one of my friends. He also couldn't find one for me. Our office area is really not a comfortable place to find a good shelter!" he sighed again.

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