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Namaskaram 🙏

Date of Update: 17.11.2022


Next morning Ragini's sleep broke due to commotion and she looked on to see Shekhar unconscious on the floor with his hand on the left side of his chest. Laksh is trying to wake him.

"Papa!" calling him she hurried towards him.

"Laksh call the ambulance!" She screamed in teary eyes.

"It's on the way Ragini!" Laksh spoke calm.

Laksh just took Shekhar into his arms and ran out of the house. Behind him followed everybody. As they reach down they saw ambulance entering into the apartment. They got Shekhar into the ambulance. Ragini got into the ambulance along with him.

Laksh got everybody into the car and drove off behind ambulance. Ragini is pacing in front of OT. After sometime when Doctor came out Ragini could just shoot her questions immediately.

"Doctor how is papa? What happened to him?" She asked concerned.

"It's heart attack. Did he face this before or is it the first time?" Doctor asked.

"First..." Ragini was cut off by Swara.

"Third time!" Swara spoke.

Ragini immediately looked at Swara shocked who is just staring at doctor with teary eyes.

"It was very severe this time. I can't just give you false hopes." Doctor said and left inside forwarding a prescription to Laksh.

Ragini sat on the chair there in thud.

"I don't hate him!" She conceded to herself and put her palm on her mouth just to condense her sobbing sounds.

Swara sat beside her and kept her head on her shoulder understanding what her di is going through.

"Why did you hide from me?" she asked softly as she felt her eyes stopped tearing.

"You blocked every one of us. We tried a new number every time to contact you. I lost energy after seeing papa's condition as it is only giving him more and more pain. I just left it." Swara spoke.

"Do I even have the right now?" she asked herself but heard by Swara.

"It was always you di. He cares me because he is guilt of asking to kill me even before I was born. But the love he has for you is unconditional. He sleeps in your room, he lives in your room everything he does only for you." Swara spoke.

"He had to give in to let us inside the house as you weren't ready to agree for us to stay at your grandparents house. The marriage was just for name sake. He wanted me to not face anything in future as he realised he was at fault. He doesn't want me to lose everything just like you lost." Swara spoke.

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