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Namaskaram 🙏

Date of Update: 24

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Date of Update: 24.10.2022

Happy Deepawali 🪔

Happy Deepawali 🪔

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"Mr. Gadodia!" Ragini whispered as she recovered from the shock of seeing the person who opened the door.

"Come in!" Said Shekhar giving way for RagLak.

Laksh was confused about the people present in the house as he entered the house along with Ragini. Both of them placed the groceries inside the kitchen and came out when Ragini is pounded suddenly by a tight hug by a girl.

"I missed you so much di!" The girl who hugged her said hugging Ragini tight while Ragini didn't respond either to her hug or to her words.

The girl broke the hug sadly while Ragini clenched her fist tight.

"Who is he?" Asked one of the two women present there.

"My..." Ragini stopped for a moment and then spoke.

"Boyfriend!" She continued.

Laksh chocked immediately and Ragini looked at him concerned. She didn't want to shock him but the circumstances made. She helped him with water while he drank looking into her eyes. As if she is communicating him something he nodded. Ragini thanked him in mind as she understood that he is ready to help her.

"Jijuuu! I am Swara! Di's one and only younger sister!" Swara chirped happily introducing herself to Laksh.

Laksh just smiled lightly nodding his head.

"How can you Ragini?" Shekhar asked in anger.

"Means?" Ragini asked confused.

"How can you stay with a boy alone before marriage?" Sharmishta her step mother completed her father's sentence to be precise.

"You are no one to question me Mrs. Gadodia! I have told you earlier too to not to interfere in my matters!" Ragini spoke calm.

"Then answer me Laddoo! I am your dadi right!" Her dadi spoke.

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