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Namaskaram 🙏

Namaskaram 🙏

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Date of Update: 30.12.2022


Laksh was happy when his parents wished him at 12.00 but he also expected Ragini to come along with his mother. He is spending sometime with his parents at late night like they do on his every birthday but his eyes always kept going to the entrance of his room waiting for her to enter.

"Lucky!" his mother called him.

He laid on her lap trying hard not to break down in front of his parents.

"She is sleeping babu!" His mother said.

"I am not thinking about her ma." He lied.

His mother smiled at his lie before kissing his forehead.

"Babu go to sleep. We will have some good time tomorrow. You are tired." His mother said caressing his hair.

He closed his eyes still in his mother's lap. His mother kept caressing his hair while looking at her husband who is assuring her through his eyes. She sighed and looked at their son who slept already. She slowly made him lay on bed and left to the other room bidding good night to her husband. When she entered she saw Ragini moving sides trying to sleep. She couldn't help but smile at her struggle. She has been observing Ragini since she came may be just few hours but still she could figure out the adoration she has for Laksh. This definitely got her hopes for her son's happiness. She laid on her side acting she didn't find Ragini awake. Ragini finding her tried staying normal and acted sleeping. She was thinking many things when she fell asleep once again after lots of time.

She woke up and stretched herself. Her eyes widened as she saw time.

"8.30!" she exclaimed and ran to freshen up skipping her yoga routine.

She cursed herself while getting ready and ran outside the room just to get bump into Laksh. He held her protectively before she could fall.

"You okay?" he asked looking at her concerned and still holding her through waist.

"Happy Birthday Laksh!" she squealed suddenly and hugged him tight.

Laksh was shocked, his eyes widened in shock seeing her behaviour. What suddenly happened to her? This is not her as far as he knows. Ragini broke the hug realising what she did and moved back.

"Happy Birthday Laksh!" she said again on seeing his shocked expression.

He came out of shock and smiled a little before speaking.

"Thank You Ragini!" He thanked her.

She smiled and rushed towards kitchen biting her lower lip. Dp who witnessed the moment controlled himself from smiling and acting to be reading his newspaper. Laksh sighed as he found his father reading newspaper and rushed inside his room.

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