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Namaskaram 🙏

Date of Update: 16.12.2022


Next day whole Day Ragini spent lazily. She felt very lazy due to her periods and decided to stay like that. She was mood off. She kept looking at her phone now and then waiting for some call or text from Laksh but he didn't text or call her. She spoke to Swara for sometime like every other day and the rest of the day tried concentrating on the book she is reading.

On the other side Laksh who has discovered the worry of his parents decided to show that he is happy and will be happy no matter Ragini has accepted him or not. He tried his best to show his parents that he will be doing fine. So he decided he wouldn't call or text Ragini. He didn't get the topic of Ragini also in front of his parents. He played indoor games with his parents winning every game cheating them making them whine and he would laugh at them. He enjoyed a lot though he missed Ragini. He felt it's going to be really difficult if he has to go away from Ragini but he can't put that worry in front of his parents as he doesn't want to worry them.

"Bye ma. Don't worry! Take care!" he bid bye kissing her forehead lovingly.

"Take Care Lucky! Be strong!" His father Dp said caressing his hair as he hugged him.

"Come on guys I am fine. You both don't worry. And don't worry me also. I will be fine. It's life... not everything goes according to us." He said holding their hands.

Both of them looked at each other and smiled at each other then turned to him with proudness in their eyes for their son. Laksh smiled and hugged both of them tight happily seeing them proud.

"Come as soon as possible again." His mother said cupping his face.

He nodded and waved at them as he got into the train.

The train moved while they waved again before the train left from their sight completely.

Laksh sighed as he got settled in his seat.


Ragini is making dinner for herself when she heard the calling bell. She adjusted the flame of the stove before going to open the door. As she opened the door there stood Laksh with bright smile.

"You?" she asked surprised to see him there.

She thought he would be coming the next day morning just before they would leave to office.

"Yup! Me! Am I am not visible?" He asked waving his hand in front of her eyes.

Ragini rolled her eyes and moved aside letting him inside.

"I thought you would come tomorrow before we had to go to office!" she said as she made her way towards kitchen while he also moved inside to have some water.

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