12 - laputa

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As you were laying down on the floor, Jimin suddenly screamed.
'Y/N! You have to open your eyes!' He shouted.
You slowly got off the floor and opened your eyes. You were in Laputa! In front of you stood a grand castle, gorgeous scenery of green grass and vibrant flower beds. Huge trees stood everywhere with vines hanging down from them and crystal pools of water lined the brick pavements. Animals both of you had never seen before ran around and birds flew around in the sky.
'I can't believe we are actually in Laputa!' Jimin yelled.
'Neither! This feels like a dream' You shouted.
You both gave eachother a huge celebratory hug and started to advance through. the beautiful place.

There was a large glass dome, almost like a greenhouse, toward the middle of the island. As you went inside, these little animals scurried towards you. They were little fluffy four-legged things with cute floppy ears and orange fur. They then started to climb all over you two.
'Aww, they're so cute!' You said as one of them nuzzled your cheek.
'What even are they?' Jimin yelled whilst being ambushed by tons of them.
'Not sure, but they're adorable!' You cooed, picking one up and cradling it in your arms.
'I wish we had animals like this back down on the floor' Jimin giggled whilst one sat down on his head.
Still being swarmed by the cute little creatures, you walked over to this huge tree. Observing it, you soon saw a ladder.
'Jimin, it has a ladder!' You shouted.
After gently ushering the little animals off, you started to climb the ladder.

It led to a little treehouse so you quickly climbed into it and Jimin shortly came up after.
'Pretty random, isn't it?' Jimin muttered.
'Yeah, and very high as well' You said, looking down.
'I wonder why- Oh.' Jimin commented, looking next to him.
There was a little bird, asleep in her nest.
'That's probably why' He added.
'Why is everything so cute up here?' You said, observing the bird.
She had pale pink feathers that had pastel purple streaks through them with a white beak and spotted feet.
'She really is a beautiful thing' Jimin laughed, looking at it.

Suddenly, she woke and revealed her deep black eyes.
'Oh god' Jimin mumbled.
But instead of pecking the pair of you to death, it simply just chirped and approached you.
'Y/N, make sure she doesn't peck your eyeballs out' Jimin giggled.
'I'll try' you replied, just calmly watching the bird.
To my total surprise, she chirped at you and then just flew onto your shoulder, perching down and then falling asleep.
'I'm not even gonna ask' Jimin said, leaning back into the wall.

You just decided to change the topic.
'I hope the crew is all right, we're lucky we escaped in time' You sighed.
'Same, they had no mercy shooting that ship down' Jimin said.
'But, they equally have weapons, I'm trusting that experienced pirates like them would at least fight back?' You said, trying to comfort his thoughts.
'They should've, they wouldn't just let their vehicle get shot down and attacked like that.' Jimin replied.
'We should probably also be worrying about ourselves' Yoy said.
'Agreed, we couldn't have just ran into them like that. They were flying the same direction as us so they were obviously headed to Laputa as well' Jimin explained, shifting around in his seat.
'That means they must have the crystal, it's the only way to Laputa.' You added.
'Let's hope they get lost on the way or something' Jimin said.
'You know as soon as they land here with that gem, they can unlock anything thing they want, and by that I mean any power source they want' You sighed, your head pounding from the stress.
But suddenly, you got an idea. It was a horrible one that would ruin your family's legacy, but because of the evil hands it was in, there was no other option.

'Somehow, I'm not sure how, but we need to get that crystal and destroy it' You announced.
Jimin's jaw dropped at the sound of this.
'Destroy the crystal? But, it's been in your family for generations' Jimin said.
'I know but it's already caused huge problems in the past and one right here in the present, plus it will stop Yoongi from potentially taking over the entire world' You replied.
'Well, if you think that that is the ultimate option, then let's do it' Jimin eventually said.
Suddenly, there was a huge crash from outside.
'What the hell?' You yelled.
'Come on, let's go see' Jimin said.
You both climbed down and carefully peeked around the corner.

To your relief, it wasn't the military, but it was in fact the pirate gang. At least they hadn't been shot down. You both immediately rushed over to see what the hell was going on.
'Guys?! You in there?!' Jimin yelled.
They all then came out, looking very flustered and bothered.
'What happened to you lot?' You asked.
'We barely just escaped from the military' Hoseok sighed.
'The ship was nearly torn to pieces but luckily it had enough power left to fly into the cloud and reach here' Namjoon explained.
'We better careful though, the military are on their way here right now' Jungkook said.
'We estimated that they're about half an hour away or so' Eudora added.
'Come on, we better go hide' Jimin said, gripping onto your hand.
You all progressed towards the back of the land where everyone ended up in a gigantic old ballroom.
'Maybe we should all split up' Namjoon asked.
'Good idea, it would be a nightmare if the military found us all together' Jimin replied.
So you went into two groups.
Yourself, Jimin and Jungkook.
Namjoon, Hoseok and Eudora.

As the other three went their own way, you and the others went ours. You thought it was the best idea to keep on the move instead of staying in one fixed position, so everyone could be fully prepared to run incase anything happened.

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