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Summary : Modern!AU, which MIGHT be continued. OC warning.

Notes : Welp, it was indeed late, but then it was supposed to be 5k, which... was wrong. One more thing, it's SEPARATE AU. It's not addition, it WAS supposed to be one of separated stories, but I thought about it and get to conclusion... better not. That's why you have SHORT, one shot of idea I had. Don't kill me please. Please.

"After observations as well as analysis, I've diagnosis." Whole white room around which located were medical suppliers, devices as well as few of placates with motto about health were being attached onto walls. Rather skinny woman was sitting over desk, hers chestnut hairs were tightly tied into braid by the back of hers head. Hers green eyes focused onto two figures before her. One of those was rather short woman, with auburn hairs in loosened ponytail now, placed just against hers shoulder. Hers dark, forest green eyes were staring onto her, fearful alike. In meanwhile she kept biting onto hers fingers of one of hers hand, while another one was tightly held by male just beside her. In difference of her, he stood, but kept himself rather bent over her. One of hers palms was placed against chair's arm, onto which she sat on, and he gripped onto it, occasionally stroking it, within fingers sometimes catching touch of metal, gold ring onto one of hers fingers. His other hand was placed against hers shoulder, making him embracing her alike. Despite fact he actually stood behind her, he was perfectly visible as his big build was overtaking hers smaller. His black, long hairs were opened, streaming were through his shoulders. Glancing inside his eyes there were confidence mixed with toughness, but chestnut haired women was able to caught onto them something else as well. Worry. "I'm happy to say-" Said women smiled, strangely rather weakly. "-you're pregnant miss Night."

Both eyes widened immediately, woman turned backwards, staring alike onto male behind her as hers eyes watered, smiling alike. She threw hers arms around him, but even so he remained motionless, but eventually he registered whole situation as he returned favour, embracing her tightly. Both closed theirs eyes in pleasure. She sniffed. "I can't believe it, buddy! We're going to be parents!" He kissed hers forehead, softly. She giggled. "I told you Toothless those faints weren't anything dangerous."

He exhaled. "They could have been, Hiccup." He placed his cheek against top of hers head as he slightly opened his eyes. Catching glance of rather uncomfortable woman before him, he focused. "Or were they?" He muttered, staring onto doctor alike woman. Hiccup ignored his words, but as she finally looked over him, noticing his distress she frightened, as well glanced forward, gripping onto males forearm which was embracing her as he straightened.

Chestnut haired female sighed. "Hailey, was there in yours family problems with heart?"

Hiccup's eyes widened. "My mother had those." She tightened hers grip onto Toothless's arm. "W-what that has to do with anything?"

"How did she died?"

"In c-car accident."

"She was lucky." Woman avoided theirs sights now, glanced somewhere onto floor as she bit hers lip.

Toothless frowned. "Atali, what that has to do with anything." He angered, raised his voice. "Stop being mysterious, say what you have to forwardly. Don't keep us into lack of knowledge for fucking sake."

"I'm sorry Tobias." She shot them apologise look. "It's just-" She cleared hers throat as hers voice broke down. "-hard to speak about those themes." She bit hers lip. "These faints yours wife lived through today were indeed caused by pregnancy, but also were likely warnings from hers body." She exhaled. "It seems Hailey has same heart problems hers mother did." She glanced over teared Hailey. "You might never noticed it as you lived through peaceful, stressless life, but those are still, they exist and shows themselves in worst possible way." She sniffed. "Hailey, such problems has biggest ratio onto killing young mothers. As yours mother had that luck, you might not have." Atali teared. "What I'm trying to say is, there is high chance that you won't survive labour." Hiccup gasped as she covered hers mouth. At first silent sobs were getting out of hers mouth, then hers eyes watered, thereafter she cried, rather loudly. Tobias just behind her held onto chair's back tightly as his eyes watered, still unbelievable about what he heard. "Hailey, you're always been my friend, and I'm honestly really sorry for both of you, and I'm miserable about fact I can't do much more." Hailey wasn't able to register hers words, because of which it was Toothless which nodded her understandingly. "I'll let you have moment alone." Atali walked towards doors, but before she closed them once again she glanced over them. "Once again, I'm really sorry, but I would remind you to think through yours choices." Within that, she left closing doors behind herself, leaving distressed pair on theirs own.

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