Outside pov

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Summary : Modern AU, add up to Broken Together story, understandable for anyone

Notes : Hello, guys. It's been...a while. 10 weeks... 10 WEEKS-! Anyway, I'm sorry for that... *inhale* break. It was mostly caused by school, the start of the final year, and also some private matters. Anyway, I'm back. I had written that chapter for... 3 months. Nonetheless, I'm happy to end it. To finally finish this "challenge". I had a lot of fun writing each of those chapters. I hope you enjoyed them, and I wish you a nice time while reading this one.

Ehhh, don't kill me for missing the deadline for about 3 months. Please.

The house by downtown, rather one of biggest there. Somewhere around noon, the sun was shining through windows as it was supposed to be one of peaceful, spring days. Inside said building atmosphere was rather heavy, not even sound despite being it family home. Just in corner of the room, in between the entrance of a kitchen and the sofa which found itself in the living room, there was a wooden table, with prepared empty plates.

At the table, sitting on one of the chairs, there was a rather annoyed and upset man. His brows were frowned, showing perfectly his growing rage and irritation. Ginger hairs on the top of his head were elegantly styled. Time passed and through it, out of rising boredom, his palms were brushing his long and messy beard. Green eyes were staring in the direction of the front doors, waiting for any sudden movement or sound.

He sighed as he heard the doorbell and checked his watch momentarily after. Seven minutes late. He shook his head vexed. The man was about to stand up from his place, but before this could happen he was surprised as rather a skinny figure pushed itself before him, overtaking him. Rolling his eyes, he chuckled at the figure mockingly. "Late, but it was predictable."

The figure, keeping onto its gait, momentarily turned around onto its heels. A young female glanced over at him with a mix of nervousness, but also slightly irritated. Her dark green, forest alike eyes caught sight of his green ones. She opened her mouth, almost like she was gasping for air but in a way of forcing words out. When none came she bit her lip hard, her fingers tensed as they almost curled into a fist.

Eventually, when rage let go of her body, she focused on her task as she ran forward toward doors, almost tripping herself in the meanwhile. The man glanced over the cause of the event and exhaled at the sight of a metallic prosthesis attached to her left knee. His daughter couldn't get any more clumsy, could she? At the sound crack of doors, the man looked downward, onto a white, empty dish before him. Meanwhile, he once again played with his cutlery there were whispers, or rather talks which were further happening. He sighed. There was no way of avoiding it anymore. He straightened and focused his sight forward.

As he did, the first thing that caught his attention was his daughter. She smiled at the newcomer and helped him manage with his jacket. Momentarily as she did, the man's sight targeted his figure, forcing him into raising his chin cause of his height. He was disgusted by the view. The young man scratched his black, raven, long hair. His bright, green eyes anxiously focused on way smaller girl while smiling weakly. Tobias Thomas Night.

Saying the man didn't like him was a big misunderstanding. He hated that boy. Egocentric, rude, and disrespectful. The same fact of being with him in the same room brought onto man popping veins. Trouble maker, without even a slight estimate. One of the students, attending high school he had the honor to be principal of. Not once did that demon play on his nerves. Like some wild animal.

Man's palm curled into a fist, but before any movements, with a long, deep sigh, he loosened his nerves. He once again focused on the sight before him. The tall boy weakly smiling, chuckled at something the girl said, unknown to him. Tobias wasn't that boy anymore, he knew that. Glancing over him, the man's brows twitched, but thereafter his whole face relaxed in view just next to him. His daughter changed him. Said the girl smiling happily, whispering words that man could read as those comforting.

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