Untitled Part One - Anita

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It's the night before the last day of school, exams are over and we're celebrating with the biggest party of the year. I've been to this house before for other parties and have no idea what the interior really looks like. All the colours are altered by the flashing party lights and the smoke machine- well- at least I hope it's a smoke machine giving the room its foggy effect. Someone brought bubble wands with them and occasionally one or two drift past my face. I assumed none of the bubbles would make it very far considering how fragile they are, so when I do see one I make a point of popping it and stopping the soapy film from making it any further.

I swirl the liquid around inside my solo-cup lazily and stare at it for a long time before bringing the cup to my lips and taking a small sip. The alcohol burns my throat but I need something to take my mind away from all the couples making out in shadowed corners of the stairs, the deck, the kitchen, and on the couches. Normally, I would be able to look past it and have a good time but tonight it annoys me more so than usual.

Rachel and Ella are nearly ontop of eachother whispering about all the cute boys here tonight. It's been mutually agreed upon by the three of us that I am to be left out of these conversations. Any other night I would go find someone else to hang out with but tonight, it's okay. Tonight, I'm on the lookout. I'm focused and my eyes are sharp as I scout out someone who spends her time trying to blend into the crowd. I know, a sweaty house clustered by drunk highschool kids isn't the most ideal place to find someone like that but I've put this off long enough, and I'm running out of time.

Some shit rap song starts blaring through the speakers and I'm not sure if I prefer it over the previously playing country music. Through all the chattering and music I somehow manage to hear the crash and shattering of glassware from the kitchen across the hall. I adjust my wireframe glasses, displeased with how early and rowdy it is. Every couple minutes the door opens with a new horde of kids coming through. The volume of the music only increases and I think I might go deaf soon. And then there's straight people making out. Everywhere.

Maybe I've drinken more than I meant to because my cup is much lighter than it was moments before and I'm finding it more difficult to focus on the task at hand. A giddy pair pushes by me holding hands as they shove their way through the house to find a more private area. I take another, slightly larger, sip.

Ella nudges my side with her elbow, "hello?"
"Yes?" I turn towards her and raise an eyebrow ever so slightly to show her I'm listening, although I don't look at Ella directly and instead continue to scan the room.

"Who are you looking for?"

"No one," I say as I look around her, trying to find someone.

"Right, and Rachel isn't drunk." For a split second I believe her until I look to her right to see Rachel sat on the floor against the wall giggling at nothing. The music changes to an early 2000's pop song and I feel its beat reverberating in my chest. I could blame it on the music but I can't deny the fluttering feeling that erupts in my torso when I finally spot her entering the living room from the sliding doors attached to the deck. My eyes follow her to the kitchen where she refuses a drink from a friend.

"- are you listening?" Ella has to shout in my ear in order for me to be able to hear her over the slowly increasing slope of volume. The blank look on my face says enough. "I said we're going to get going soon, things are getting too much here. And well... then there's Rachel."

I chuckle distractedly and watch as she disappears behind a wall, hiding her from my sight. "Uh, yeah, I'll, um, I'll be back. Don't leave without me, I won't be long!" I'm already walking into the kitchen as I talk to Ella, shouting as loud as I can. She looks pissed off, but not surprised with my antics.

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