Chapter 2

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Luke's POV:

I was currently halfway through the tour with James, who I had learnt had been here for 70 years. He died at the age of 23, during World War 2. He left his girl in the USA; said that she just turned 93 a few days ago.

"So, that's just the Flying Angel, where if you haven't got an assignment, you can just hang out with other Angels. After I take you to get your wings and the screen room, we can head over and you can make some new friends. That sound ok?" James said.

"Ok sure." I wasn't really sure how I felt about all of this. I was pretty happy about getting wings and working here, but I still felt empty, like I had this bottomless black pit at the bottom of my stomach, slowly swallowing me up. And it had a name too.



I didn't really listen to half of what James had said on the tour; my mind was too pre-occupied with other thoughts. And they were all about one person.


I missed her. I really did. The way her face would light up at the smell of freshly baked cookies, the way her eyes twinkled brighter than any star when we danced in the moonlight, the way she cheered me and the boys on as we performed on stage. Every little thing she did was like magic; it was like I was under her spell.

"Stop Luke, you gotta stop thinking about her." I mumbled to myself.

I found myself walking back to the room I woke up in. I just wanted to take a quick nap before James and I head over to dinner.

I flopped myself onto the bed. I was knackered; I may not have done much work but I think if my brain did anymore thinking it would explode. So doing my head a favour, I closed my eyes and let the darkness take over.


"Dude......Dude!!! Come on you gotta wake up!!" I heard a voice shout. Being the lazy person I am, I just turned around and planted my face into my pillow. I thought that whoever was shouting at me had gone, however, I was wrong. I felt my pillow leave my face and land on the back of my head.

"Ow what the hell??" I shouted.

"Well you weren't gonna wake up the nice way so I had to be mean."

My vision slowly cleared and I saw that that the person who whacked me with my pillow was indeed James. I will get him back, I really will.

"Come on now, we gave to make sure you aren't late for dinner on your first night here!!!" That's weird. James seems MUCH more happier than he did about 3 hours ago. I'm pretty sure I'll find out soon. In the meantime, I just hope that dinner is just like mum's back home.


And that's chapter 2!!!! Sorry this chapter was kind of a filler, Luke's just settling into his new surroundings. I'll try to spice things up very soon, if I don't I apologise in advance!!

And just to let y'all know I'm not gonna edit this book until I've finished it although I'll try and make it as good as possible while writing it!

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!! I know it sucked but oh well. I might not update daily just because I want you guys to actually read the book and not get bored of short chapters so I'll try to make the next one longer.

Love you guys loads and loads,

Chloe xxxx

P.S: did anyone listen to 5sos' new song permanent vacation???!?! It was SHAMAZING if you haven't heard I strongly recommend that you do it now :-) xx

P.S.S: And I hope you guys like the new cover!!! xx

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