Chapter 1

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I screamed, as pain and electricity ripped through my body. I just came back from my mission that I had done for Hydra. They wanted to have some fun so they locked me in their special electric chair. I was in pain almost everyday since 1945 an now it's 2017. The only reason I'm still alive is because Hydra would torture me after a mission then freeze me keeping me alive for years.

I had just finished cutting my hair when Steve ran into my room telling me that they had a lead on Hydra and they wanted to destroy that base. So here we are fighting our way into the base. We just got finished taking down all the Hydra people and we are checking all the rooms. I walked into a room and found a girl locked in the electric chair. "Guys I found someone" I yelled and the whole team ran into the room. Steve unlocked her left arm as I unlocked her right arm. I looked at her uniform and saw "Blood Soldier" written on right shoulder.

"She's the Blood Soldier" I said. "Who is that" Tony asked. "Two years after I was captured a girl was taken and was turned into a super soldier they called her the Blood Soldier because after she kills she draws the Hydra symbol in the blood of her victims" I explained. "So she's a super soldier like us" Steve asked. "Yes. But she's been tortured a lot. It's going to take her a long time to trust us" I said. Steve picked her up brided style and carried her to our jet.

When we got back to the tower we went straight to the medical wing. Steve layed her down on the table. Nat took off her armor. Now she was just in a T-shirt and black pants. Her arms had scars all over them. Bruce cleaned her wounds and got Hydra out of her head then she moved a little bit. "Get back" I said then she jumped up off the bed on to the floor.

"Who are you. What do you want" she asked. I could tell she was scared. "We are the Avengers and we saved you from Hydra" Tony said and stepped closer to her, she jumped back in fear. "Please stay back" she said shaking, she was now in the corner tucked away from us. "Your alright. We aren't going to hurt you I promise. I'm Bucky what's your name" I said softly and walked closer to her slowly. "Audrey. My names Audrey" she said shyly.

"It nice to meet you Audrey. I know what your going through I was the Winter Soldier" I said. "Wait your the Winter Soldier. I saw you one time, we both came back from a mission and we were in the same room for a few seconds then we parted ways" Audrey said. "Yeah I remember" I said.  "You must be tired. There is a open room across the hall from Bucky you can stay in" Tony said. "Follow me and I take you to your room" I said holding my hand out to Audrey. She hesitatly layed her hand in mine and I lead her to her room.

I opened her door. "This is your room. The girl with red hair her name is Natasha and she went with Tony's wife Pepper and they bought you clothes. My room is right across from yours if you need anything and there is a bathroom with everything you need right there" I said pointing at the bathroom, she nodded her head then I gently closed the door and I went to my room. To get ready for bed because it's super late.

When Bucky lefted I walked around the room I had been given. I loved it, it was way better then my cell at the Hydra base. I found the clothes that the girls bought me. I felt bad they wasted their money on me and gave me a room I had to find a way to repay them. I grabbed an outfit and walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. I was used to ice cold showers. The warm water burned, but I didn't move out from under it because I been through so much torture, this hot water was nothing.

After I got out of the shower and changed I sat at the end of the bed. I felt a piece of paper under my hand. I picked it up and reader it.

Tony's wife is making dinner. If your feeling up to it you can come eat with us -Bucky

After I readed Bucky's note I stood up and walked out of my room and went back the way I came. I found them in the living room talking. I slowly walked in and they all turned to me. "Glad to see you Audrey. I'm Tony" Tony said. "Thanks for the clothes and the room. Sorry I attacked you guys" I said softly. "Your welcome and it's ok. This is my wife Pepper. This is Thor. This is Thor's brother Loki. This is Steve. Natasha. Bruce. Clint. Sam. And you already know Bucky" Tony said introducing everyone to me. "Hi" I said and waved shyly.

"Your very shy aren't you" Steve said. "Before I was taken I was a brave girl that love taking risks and going on adventures. I loved to take runs through the woods and watching the sunset over the ocean. I loved walking through Brooklyn. But now I trust no one. I only trust myself, I'm less likely to get caught and tortured that way" I said. "You won't get tortured here" Tony said. "Your from Brooklyn" Steve asked. "Yes, born and raised" I said as Pepper set the table and we all sat down. I sat in between Bucky and Steve.

"If you don't mind me asking, what did they do to you. And call me Nat" Nat said. I tensed up, Steve and Bucky notice. "Nat" Steve said in a warning tone as Bucky glared at Nat. "It fine I don't mind. They uh. They tortured me for years and froze me hundreds of times and turned me in to a super soldier" I said holding back tears as memories flashed through my mind, I shut my eyes tight for a few seconds then opened them. Everyone ate silently after that.

After dinner I volunteered to wash the dishes and Clint helped. "Thanks for everything guys. Night" I said a chours of your welcome and good night sounded as I went to my room. I closed my door and I climbed into bed and fell asleep.

After Audrey went to bed we all went to bed. I sat up reading. All of the sudden I heard screaming, I got up and ran to where the screaming was coming from Audrey's room. I ran into her room, she was shaking and screaming. I pulled her into my chest and held her. The rest of the team ran in. "Audrey! Wake up! Audrey! It's a nightmare you alright" I said loudly trying to wake her up. Her screams stop but she was shaking and crying now. "We should leave Bucky's got her and we know she doesn't like to be vulnerable" Steve said and closed the door behind them.

"Audrey? Hey your ok. Your safe" I said softly as she opened her eyes and tears poured down her face. I gently wiped away her tears. She sat up and I unwrapped my arms from around her. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scream in my sleep" Audrey said. "It's ok. It was a nightmare you can't help that" I said. "Thanks for helping me" Audrey said. "Your welcome Audrey" I said. "My friends before I was taken called me Ace. If you want you can call me that" Audrey said. "Well Ace you want some company for awhile" I asked. "Sure" Ace said.

For most of the night me and Ace talked about our lives before we were taken and when we were taken. Well it looks like I have a new friend. It's not just Steve and Bucky anymore. Now it's Steve, Bucky and Ace.

His Blood Soldier/Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now