Chapter 3

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After I got my memories of me and Bucky back we ate then we went to sleep. The next morning I woke up and went down stairs where everyone seemed to be in a deep conversation.

"Morning Ace" Bucky said and everyone turned and looked at me. "Morning Bucky. Morning everyone" I said. "We have a mission. Bucky's gonna stay with you if that's ok with you , someone else can stay if you want" Tony said. "No thank you. I want Bucky to stay. No offence I just trust him more" I said shyly. "No we get that he spends more time with you" Steve said.

"Suit up" Tony said and the team except Bucky left to get ready for the mission. "So what you wanna do" Bucky asked. "Breakfast first I'm starving" I said and Bucky lightly chuckle at me. We ended up eating waffles.

"Hey Bucky, wanna go train after we clean the kitchen" I asked. "Yeah sounds like fun" Bucky said, then we clean the kitchen. After we clean the kitchen we went up stairs and changed clothes. We met in the training room, Bucky was shirtless with basketball shorts on. I was wearing a sport's bra and tight leggings. Bucky went straight to the weights and I went for the punching bag. Then after a few minutes we switched. Then I went for the treadmill and Bucky took the treadmill next to me and we chatted a little bit.

After a while we went our separate ways to shower then we chilled out in the living room. We watched an few movies then Bucky turned on some 40s music and we started singing and I started dancing and I somehow got Bucky to dance with me. I must say he's pretty good on his feet. It was just like when he took me out all those years ago. We slow dance to just plain dance like weirdos.

"Your so weird" I told Bucky. "Oh really your the one who started dancing in the first place" Bucky said. "So" I said. "Well I think your the weird one" Bucky said. "Nope you are" I said. "You take that back" Bucky said. "No way" I said then Bucky started chasing are me and I started laughing. I was actually laughing I don't know the last time I laughed was. Bucky eventually caught me and started tickling me. "Bucky stop" I said in between my gasps for air. "No way" Bucky mocked me as he laughed with me.

Bucky stopped tickling me after a minute and helped me up. We stared into each other's eyes. Then the wall behind me blew out and hit me causing me to fall to the ground but before I hit the ground I pushed Bucky back so he wouldn't get hit. I heard alot of movement and grunting. I looked up to see Bucky fighting Haydra soldiers. I stood up quickly and knock a soldier off his back. Me and Bucky were back to back as the soldiers attack from all sides.

"It's the Blood Soldier! Get her" their captain ordered them. "Kill the Winter Soldier" the captain ordered. Soldiers knocked Bucky to his knees and held him in place as one of the soldiers held a gun to his head. I broke free from the soldiers grip and ran over the the soldier who held the gun at Bucky's head, I knock him over and the gun went off shooting one of the soldiers in the leg that was hold Bucky  down. Bucky broke free then more soldiers jump him.

Out of no where the team showed up and help Bucky get free. I caught a glimpse of what he looked like after all of them jumped him, he was covered in blood, cuts, and bruises. And when I saw that I felt a rage like no other, I let out a scream of frustration and knock all the soldiers on me down. I beat most of them to death, blood covered my face, my fist, most of my body. I grabbed a gun out of one of the dead soldiers hands and shot the captain of the team perfectly in between his eyes.

I grab the last living soldier by the throat. "Who sent you! What do you want" I yelled. "Haydra sent me! They want you back" the soldier said quickly. "Why does Hydra what the Winter Soldier dead" I yelled. "Because your better! Your easier to control! You have nothing to live for so you don't have a reason to fight the mind control" the soldier said quickly. I dragged him to the window that was busted and held him over the city. "You got a parachute" I asked. "Yes" the soldier said. "Good, tell your boss the Blood Soldier no longer exists" I said and dropped him and he fell towards the ground and I walked away from the window.

The team looked terrified of me I looked down at my feet as tears slipped down my face. Im still the Blood Soldier aren't I. I looked at the blood that covered my body and I freaked out I ran up stairs as the team called out for me. I made it to my room and slammed the door shut and lock it. I ran to the bathroom turned on the shower I made sure the water was boiling hot. I scrubbed my skin raw even after I got all the blood off I continue to scrub me skin. After my shower I change in to a black t-shirt and some comfortable shorts and sat in my bed staring at the wall.

I heard a knock at my door but I ignored it. "Ace. Let me in please" Bucky pleaded. I ignored him. A few hours later there was another knock on my door. "Ace, I brought you dinner" Bucky said. I still ignored him. What if he hates me. What if he thinks I'm a monster. What if they all though I was a monster. "I'll leave it by the door"Bucky said then he lefted.

It's been two days I still haven't eaten or slept. Every time I close my eyes im covered in blood and I can see the team staring at me in fear. Bucky checks on me ever hour, but I continue to ignore him. I was still scared he'd hate me. Bucky did his routine visites but my door is locked so he can't come in. I was pretty late I was so tired I finally passed out.

I was staring at the wall trying to figure out how to get Ace to come out of her room and eat. I also miss spending time with her. I miss her voice, her face, her laughter. I heard screaming and I ran to her room. The damn door was locked so I slammed my metal shoulder into the door and the door opened. She was curled up in a tight little ball screaming and crying. I ran over to her. "Ace. Your ok. Wake up. Ace" I said she jumped up crying.  "Bucky" she asked as tears continue to run down her rose colored cheeks. "Yes it me" I said and wrapped my arms around her.

She started crying harder into my chest. "Hey it's okay. Your okay" I said softly as I ran my fingers through her hair. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Bucky. I'm sorry" she cried. "You have nothing to be sorry for doll" I said. "I killed all of those Hydra soldiers. I'm still the Blood Soldier" she cried. "Your not the Blood Soldier, ok your my best friend Ace" I told her. "I didn't mean to kill them, but when they tried to kill you I lost it. I can't lose you Bucky your all I got" Ace cried. "It's ok you didn't mean to your were protecting me, thank you for that. Doll I'm not all you got. You have the team too" I said.

"Aren't they all scared of me and think I'm a monster" she cried. "No doll they don't. They tried to check on you before you ran up stairs and they ask about you ever day if you've eaten, if you came out the room, or talked. They care about just as much as I do" I said. She finally stopped crying but she still held on to me tight. I didn't mind it's what she needed. The she yawned it was so cute. "Are you tired doll" I asked. "I haven't slept in two days" she said. "Why not" I asked. "Nightmares" was all she said. "How about this, I stay in here with you tonight and you get some sleep" I said. " you don't have to "Ace said.

"I want to. Get some sleep. Goodnight doll" I said and layed down next to her and pulled her in and she layed her head on my chest and then I kissed her forehead. "Goodnight James" she said softly and fell asleep. When she called me James I got butterflies. Im slowly falling for this amazing, broken girl.
My beautiful Ace.

His Blood Soldier/Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now