Chapter 2

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I slowly opened my eyes slowly and noticed Bucky with his back pressed against the headboard of my bed and he was sound asleep with my hand in his. "Bucky" I said softly. Bucky opened his eyes and looked down at me. "Morning Ace" Bucky said. "Thank you for staying with me, you didn't have to" I said. "I wanted to make sure you were ok" Bucky said and squeezed my hand gently. He was so gentle with me. No one has ever been gentle with me expect my mom, my dad left when I was a baby.

"Wanna go down stairs and get something to eat" Bucky asked. "Yes please. I'm going to freshen up first" I said and my hand slipped out of Bucky's hand. "I'll meet you down stairs" Bucky said standing in the door way. "Bucky, thank you for everything" I said smiling lightly at him. "Your welcome Ace" Bucky said smiling back then closed my door and lefted.

I walked into the kitchen to find the rest of the team eating breakfast. "Where you Bucky, I went to see you this morning and you weren't in your room" Steve asked. "I stayed with Ace last night after her nightmare" I said. "Ace" Tony questioned. "Audrey's nickname that she used to go by before Hydra" I said. "Well, you two seem to get along well which is good" Steve said. The Ace walked in. She looked tired and in pain.

I walked into the kitchen to see the whole team. Bucky told me about all of them. Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Loki, Hulk, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Falcon. I know their hero names and their real names. "Hi" I said softly. I was a shy person until I got to know you then I would talk to you all the time. "Good morning" every one said to me. "Here have some pancakes" Steve said and put a plate with two pancakes with wiped cream and strawberries on them in front of me. "Thanks" I said and then I started to eat.

After I ate Nat asked if I wanted to watch the team train. "Yes I would love to. Just let me change clothes in case I wanna try, if that's ok" I said. "That's a great idea" Nat said. I walked to my room and change into some tight basket ball shorts and a sports bra and no shoes, I'm used to being forced to wear a lot of clothes when I trained at Hydra. It was always so hot while wearing all that while training.

I walked into the training room and everyone stared at me. My body was covered in small scars, huge scars, a few burns on the back of my shoulders. I tied my hair back in a ponytail. They were still staring at me. "Are you ok. They look painful" Clint asked. "I'm fine. The burns are just one of the many punishments for my assignment being late. And the scars our from missions and punishments" I said. "Ok Steve and Bucky you two start us off" Nat said noticing that I didn't wanna talk about my scars.

I watch Steve walk up to the mat with his shirt off then Bucky walked up to the mat and took his shirt off. And oh my god! Damn! I have never seen anyone that good looking before, even his metal arm was hot. I saw his scars where his metal arm started they looked like some of my scars. Steve throwed the first punch but Bucky caught it with his metal arm. Bucky punch Steve in the face which caught him off guard and Bucky body slammed him. Steve pushed Bucky off him and they threw punchs at each other till Nat said that's enough.

"Ace wanna give it a try" Bucky asked grabbing his water bottle. "Come on Ace you can fight me" Nat said. "Alright" I said and stepped on the mat in front of Nat. Nat threw a punch at my face I dogged her fist and grabbed her by the forearm and threw her over my shoulder on to the ground. Nat got up quick and jumped on my shoulders and put me in a choke hold. I grabbed her thighs and fell backwards on to the mat making her let me go I got up and then Nat jumped up and punch me in the face and blood ran down the side of my lips. I spun around and round house kicked her she landed on the ground then I put her in a choke hold until she tapped my arm telling me to let go and I did.

Nat stood up a looked at me with a smile on her face. "You can fight really good" Nat said. "Thanks you did to" I said and walked back over to the bench next to Bucky. "Here" Bucky said hanging me a water bottle. "Thanks" I said and took it from his hand and took a few sips of it. "You were amazing out there" Bucky said. "Thank but I think you did better" I said. Bucky looked at me with a smile on his face and I lightly smiled back.

Me and Bucky watched the rest of the team train then we all parted ways to shower. After I got out of the shower and put on some comfortable clothes then went into the living room and sat on the couch. The rest of the team slowly joined me after they showered. "What do you guys think about pizza" Tony asked. "Sure" everyone answered except me I didn't care. "Good" Tony said and ordered pizza.

"What all do you remember from your past, if you don't mind me asking" Thor asked. "I don't mind. All I remember is my life was boring then they needed nurses for World war II and I took it. I lefted and worked as a nurse until Hydra came to camp and killed everyone and took me because I was strong and I kill three Hydra soldiers then they caught me." I explained. Then my hands flew to my hand as my head started hurting. I got one of my memories.

"Ace! Are you alright" everyone yelled. "I'm okay I got a memory back" I said. "What memory" Tony asked. "I met Bucky before in the war" I said. "Really when" Bucky asked. "I remember Steve to. After Steve saved you. You got cut on your right thigh in the Hyda base. I was your nurse, while I was sewing up your leg you were flirting with me. Then you took me to a dance with your friends. You were very sweet and I had a lot of fun, James Buchanan Barnes" I said.

Everyone looked surprised. "I remember you to.
Audrey Trace Clearwater.

His Blood Soldier/Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now