Chapter 4

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The next morning I woke up on Bucky's chest. Memories of last night played in my head. Bucky came when I need someone. I smiled to myself thinking of him. I snuggled more into Bucky. I layed there in silence for a few more minutes before Bucky started to wake up. "Morning doll" Bucky said brushing my hair behind my ear. "Morning James" I said, he smiled at me and his eyes sparkled."Why are you looking at me like that" I said giggling. "Your beautiful and I like it when you call me James" he said.

"Well I like the new nickname you gave me" I said smiling. "Oh, do you mean this one doll" Bucky said smiling. "Yes" I said blushing a little. "We should go down stairs and see the others and get you some food" Bucky said. "Ok. Just let me go to the bathroom and brush my hair" I said getting up. "Ok. I'll be right here waiting" Bucky said. I quickly used the bathroom, washed my hands and brushed my hair then I made my way back to the main part of my room where Bucky was still waiting.

"Ready to go" Bucky asked. "No. What if there scared of me after what I did, I would be" I said. Bucky walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me and rested his chin on my head. "Doll their not scared of you and they know you didn't mean to. It's going to be okay and your going to be okay. I'm going to be there for you ever step of the way I promise" Bucky said and placed a lingering kiss on my forehead. "Thank you Bucky, that means a lot to me" I said and kiss his cheek.

Bucky blushed just a little bit you could bearly see it but I did. Bucky grabbed my hand and held it close to him and we walked to the door and we walked out.

I made sure I kept her close knowing she really nervous. We walked in the kitchen and all eyes we're on us. She leaned more into my side so I let go of her hand and wrapped my arm around her side. "Morning everyone" I said trying to pull some of the attention off her. "Morning" they all replied. "Good to see you out Ace" Steve said. "Thanks" Ace said quietly. "Ace, Bucky here is your breakfast" Tony said and place down two plates with biscuits, sausage, eggs and grits.

Tony then walked over to us and gently pulled Ace into a hug. "Good to see kid. We were worried about you" Tony said. "I was worried you guys would be scared of me" Ace said stepping back to her original place next to my side with my arm wrapped around her. "No we could never be scared of you" Nat said. "And you protected Bucky, thank you" Steve said. "I can't lose him, and your welcome" Was all Ace said then we walked over to the table and ate.

It's been two months since the first Hydra attack. Tony let's me go on missions now and of course Bucky always goes with me. Me, Pepper, and Nat came up with prank week, once month for a week we all prank each other and this week happens to be prank week. And Everyone calls me and Bucky The Chaotic Duo from the last prank we played. Bucky thought it would be a great idea to bring two chickens in the tower to put in Sam's room because apparently he's scared of them. Yeah we put the chickens in his room Sam freak out and chased me and Bucky around the tower destroying everything in his path and the best part the chickens were chasing Sam, and that's how we got the name The Chaotic Duo.

"Bucky" I said as Bucky was sitting on the couch. "Yes doll" Bucky said looking up from his book. "I need your help with the prank for Tony and Pepper" I said. "Ok what are we doing" Bucky said. "Come on" I said grabbing his hand and leading him to Tony and Pepper's room. "Ok we need to put these silly string cans on both sides of the door I got all of them done except the top ones and I'm to short to reach" I said in defeat. "I can help with that" Bucky said and picked me up and place me on his flesh shoulder, he had his hands on my thighs holding me in place. I put the cans in place then Bucky put me down.

"Thanks James" I said and place a kiss on his cheek. "Any time doll, want work on the rest of the pranks together" Bucky asked. "Yes please" I said. "What's next" Bucky asked. "Let's get all Loki's clothes and turned them pink" I said. "His going to kill us" Bucky said. "Well his got to caught us first" I said. Then we got all Loki's clothes and dyed them pink. Then we got Sam's clothes and dyed them purple. Then me and Bucky got some green hair dye that only last two days and we put it in Nat's shampoo. Then we hid Steve's shield and gave him a garbage can lid and a shirt that says captain garbage.

We shrunk Bruce's clothes, we put confetti in Clint's training arrows that he has in the training room. We found Thor asleep on the couch and put make up on his face. Then me and Bucky went to my room. "Thanks for your help James" I said and kissed his cheek. "Anytime doll. What are you doing now" Bucky asked. "Well once a week me and Steve go to the roof and draw the city to see who's better" I said. "Oh I see you've replaced me" Bucky said making a sad face and holding his hand over his heart.

"I could never replace you" I said. "Ok we can hangout later" Bucky said and walked out. I grabbed my drawing stuff and went to the roof, me and Steve drew for two hours the we put our stuff up just in time for dinner. I sat next to Bucky. Loki and Sam walk in Loki was in pink and Sam was in purple. Tony and Pepper were covered in silly string. Nat had green hair and Bruce looked pissed and  Clint was covered in confetti. After dinner me and Bucky watched a movie then we went to sleep.

When Bucky went to sleep I wrote I can't walk through a metal detector on his forehead and a laughing face on his metal arm. The next morning I went down for breakfast and saw Bucky sitting down eating and talking with Steve. I walked up to Bucky and wrapped my arms around his back, "Morning James" I said and kissed his cheek. "Good morning Ace. Also I know I can't walk through a metal detector" Bucky said. I giggled and someone grabbed me from behind and Bucky smashed a paper plate covered in whipped cream in my face.

"Bucky! Your going to pay for this" I said and turned around to see Steve was the one that grabbed me and everyone else was in the door way. I grabbed another plate that had whipped cream on it and smashed it in Steve's face then I chased Bucky around the living room. "Your not going to catch me" Bucky said. I jumped over the couch and landed in front of him and tackled him to the ground. "Got you" I said hovering over him. Bucky sat up now I was straddling him. Bucky brushed a strand of my hair behind my ear and brought his other hand and place it on the side of my face and he leaned in and kissed my lips passionately but he was so gentle and I kissed him back the same way.

We pull away for air and Bucky layed his forehead on mine. "I love you Ace" Bucky said. "I love you too James" I said. "Will you be my girl" Bucky asked. "Yes, I would love to be your girl Bucky" I said and hugged him. Then we heard clapping and cheering so we turned around to see the whole team watching us. "Took you long enough" Sam said. "Good job Bucky. I think you found your soulmate" Steve said. "Chaotic Duo is now a couple, oh boy" Tony said. I blushed and hid my face in Bucky's chest while he laugh lightly at me.

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