Chapter 6-The great hunt for water.

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Izuku slowly gets up from his sleeping bag, and yawns and stretches. He folds his sleeping bag and neatly places it in a corner. He then pulls his backpack, takes out his last energy, and begins eating into it. He then starts thinking about what to do today.

'Should I continue to try deciphering the book, or increase my glowberrie?' He looks at his bottle of water. It was practically empty. 'I need more water, ' he thought before choking on the energy bar he was eating.


That's what he was meant to do! He looks at the half-eaten energy bar in his hand, before wrapping it up and placing it into his bag. He then begins to prepare for his possibly long journey.


Now with a half-eaten energy bar, more than a dozen glow berries carefully shoved into his bag, an empty water container, and a damp All Might plushy in hand for luck. Izuku had to make the hard decision of heading in a particular direction.

So should he head towards the right, or left? He looks to his right, darkness looks back. He looks to the left, darkness looks back at him again. But this time, he sees something glow within the distance. 

'Must be a seaweed or shirker.' Izuku thinks. 'So right it is.' As he turns and walks in the left direction. 

Izuku walks silently, leaving glow berries on the ground as he walks to create a glowing trail behind him to trace his way back to the hut. He walks silently and slowly, quieting his breath so it doesn't alert any possible seaweed or shirker. The last thing he needs is one of those hulking figures appearing near him to give him a friendly punch.

Izuku simply walks forward, a flashlight leading the way forward with a ray of light. Izuku doesn't know how long he has walked, or what time of the day it is now. Not a single ray of sunlight can be seen within the dark cavern. Meaning he could technically speaking, taking a night stroll right now, or a morning walk. But he doesn't know ich is true.

As Izuku walks, he feels a pressure growing in his chest. In response, Izuku drinks the remaining water left in his container as he thought about how he had survived down in the dark cave. All he had to do for the last three weeks was just to stay within his small hut, increase his berries' supply and stay quiet.  

'Oh, how he hoped the heroes came much much sooner. After all, somebody must have noticed his disappearance by now. Maybe his teachers' for skipping so many days at school? The cafe he went to nearly every day? The merch shop where he bought his All Might figurines from? Or maybe his parents? Nobody couldn't notice he disappeared right? '

Izuku was so in thought that he was surprised when he suddenly tripped over something and fell onto the floor. He grunted, only to hear the sound of clicking nearby. 

'Great,' he thought, 'what did I fall over from?'

He shone his torchlight near the spot he tripped, and his blood when cold. From the glow of the light, the edge of a dark brown box stuck out from the carpet of black. A crate was buried under the moss.

Izuku quickly drops to his knees and begins removing the thick layer of moss from the crate. His breath was shaky as he works quietly, removing the moss from the crate.

After several minutes, Izuku pulls the crate out from his damp prison and begins inspecting it.

It was dirty, coated in moss and dirt, but it was still intact. Izuku then sees a handle and pulls it. The box flies open and Izuku then inspects the contents in the crate.

Much to Izuku's surprise, the contents within the crate were pretty much new looking. There weren't any dust bunnies or moss inside the crate.

'Guess the crate was specifically built to withstand conditions like being buried in moss' thought Izuku.

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