Chapter 16-Down the pathway

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The figure cried out in desperation, chasing the four figures ahead of itself.

The figure begins to run uphill through the forest, pushing away any branches hanging in its way, and fallen leaves and branches crack under its footsteps.

Behind it, the creature let out a loud fierce roar. It swung a hand at a hanging branch in its way, its hand colliding into the truck of the tree, snapping the tree in half and causing the top half to collapse onto the ground.

The creature let out another fierce roar as it collapsed another tree with a swing of its hand.

The figure continued its upward journey as it chased after the family up ahead of it. Having its shouts for help left to deaf ears it simply chases after the family hoping to receive help from the creature chasing behind it.

Up ahead, the family begins to disappear from the figure's line of sight as they seem to descend from the hill.

The figure chased after the family, and suddenly, it tripped and fell on the grassy ground. Just as a tree trunk flew where his head had been seconds ago.

The figure turns around to spot the creature behind it. The creature uttered an angered roar as it struggled slightly to climb the uneven terrain.

The figure pushes itself up again and scrambles up the hill. But just as it was about to reach the top of the hill, it tripped over something.

But instead of landing on the rough terrain of the forest, it landed on a familiar wooden tiled platform surrounded by water.

The figure quickly got back on its feet and looked around itself. Around it, a thick layer of fog floats just above the still water around the platform.

In front of the figure, a white orb of light appeared out of now where and begin to grow in size. Its glow became more vigorous, but no heat was radiated from it.

The figure shields its face with its hands from the sudden brightness of the light. Before moving its hand away from its face to see the light. The light glowed powerfully, illuminating the wooden platform and still water through the dark and thick wave of fog.

The figure begins to walk toward the glowing ball of light, almost as if it was drawn toward it. With a hand raised, it reaches out to touch the light.

And suddenly! With its palm facing outwards, a hand flew out from the ball of light, and an explosion blasted the figure backward.

The figure flew back away from the ball of light, a hand clutching its chest where the blast had hit it. As it looks up, two figures begin to emerge from the ball of light, which had slightly dimmed.

"Well well, look who it is." one of the figures, a blond-haired boy with scarlet red eyes stared at the figure with a menacing look on his face. "If it isn't Deku. Still trying to be a hero aren't you?"

The figure sat up, confusion spread across its face.

"Is he talking to me?"

Behind the blond boy, was a girl with green curly hair, roughly the same age as the boy. She was acting rather timidly, mumbling to herself quietly while looking down.

The figure sat up, arms raised in front of itself as a sign of surrendering. It opened its mouth to try to speak.

"Ar-are-e y-you-u-u sp-pea-king t-tt-to me?" it managed to say.

"Who else would we be talking to your damn Deku." replied the boy with an arm raised, sparks flickering around the palm of his hand. "There's only one Deku around here. One that is stupid enough to think he can be a hero."

The figure was confused, it didn't know the word Deku. it somewhat knew it wasn't its name. Was it an alias for itself given by them?

The figure took a deep breath and spoke much clearer this time.

"I don't know what you want me. I don't think I am this, "Deku" you are looking for. And I don't think I want to be a he-he-her-ro-"

"Lies!" came a cry. The figure and blond boy look around to see the girl staring back at them. Tears rolled down from her eyes, her teeth clenched and her hands crunched into fists.

"You lie." she spat with venom in her words. "You promised. We promised. We promised each other at that park. And you always follow your promises."

A scene appeared in the figure's mind, three kids in a park. Their pinkies were out as they said something together.

The figure snaps out it begins to back away from the two children and the light. The light begins to blink.

As the figure walks backward, a loud creak came from behind it. It turns to look behind it only to be met with a surprise. Where once was a solid wooden platform and water underneath, appeared a massive hole. The wooden platform had been broken and water flowed into the endless abyss of the hole.


The figure froze, and it turn to face the children again. The blond kid was turning around, eyes glaring and filled with rage.

"Trying to run after lying? That's not very hero-like."

The boy's palm begins to sizzle.

"I'm going to have to teach you a lesson."

The boy blasts himself into the air, and with a swing of his right hand, he blasts the figure backward, into the hole.

The figure flew backward into the hole, but manage to grab hold of a chuck of rock on the walls of the hole. Clinging on for dear life.

"Please!" the figure cried out to the male child, who was now standing above itself.


The child seems hesitant to help, he already gotten on his knees with his arm ready to reach out, ready to offer a hand to help. But he was hesitant. Like he was worried about losing something.


A deep rumbling voice came from below the hole, the figure look below him.

The creature that it had been running from emerged from the dark hole, rapidly climbing up the hole with ease. It jumps from the wall upwards and its sharp clawed hand wraps around the figure's ankles, and it fall back into the hole, pulling the figure forcefully with it down into the hole.

The figure lost his grip on the stone and fell into the endless void with the monster. As the child up above reaches his hand out, far too late.


Apologies for the extremely late update. I have no excuses. Plenty of time lazing around and I honestly lost interest in writing. Lots of work too. 

Anyway, I'll update as soon as I possibly can(Hopefully within the next month) I had intended on wrapping this dream walk in two parts, but if I though it is much better to fill you all up with this for know. I'll continue part 3(and hope I don't drag this longer) and get on with the story, really want to get this green kid out of here so i can continue with the canon.

Anyway, thanks for reading and being patient with this story. Saw a comment that wished that the story would be updated, felt guilty and decided to wrap things up and change plans. 

Thank you for reading

Best regards;


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