Into the ruins.

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*Squish, squish, squish*

Izuku walks along the path he had walked many times with a glow berry in his hand. He could swear that the stony ground he was walking on had flattered him because he had to walk towards the stalagmite caves for a water refill. After all, three cans of water aren't enough to quench his thirst for more than a day or two.

Soon, the outlines of stalactites and stalagmites were visible up ahead. Then Izuku stops in his tracks and turns his head to his right. Ahead of him, just near out of sight, were the dim outlines of ruined structures. They lay unmovingly, roughly a 10-minute walk there. But the way there was clear. 

Moss grows across the ground, floating plants wriggle slowly in mid-air. And near where the middle of the path he'll so be walking down, was a single circular like-thing that stood isolated. If Izuku hadn't been staring at sketches of that thing for weeks, he might mistake it for an out-of-place stone, of some sort of structure somebody built to discard their trash. 

But Izuku knew better, than what was written in the journals as a 'shrieker'. One of the things that inhabit the dark caves. That thing was what warned the prominent figures to emerge from the ground. It was like an alarm, it would shriek when something made a sound, and wake the creature to emerge from the ground.

What Izuku was about to do was reckless, dangerous, and putting his life at stack. But he needed to do it. If he could find a safe spot in the ruins, he could be much safer there. Possibly.

Izuku picks up a rock lying nearby. The stone he picked up just so happens to have a jagged edge. 'Good.'

Izuku slowly proceeds forward towards the 'shrieker', the rock raised with its sharp edge pointing outwards, like a dagger in his right palm, only it was heavier than a dagger. Gradually, Izuku was right above the 'shrieker'. He gently places the glow berry in his left hand and he slowly begins raising the stone above his head, gripping it with both his hands, before bringing it down!


Echos of the noise played through the cave. Clicks and shrieks responded, but not a single scream came from the shrieker that Izuku struck down.

The sides of the shrieker that the stone came in impact with broke and shattered. A liquid-like substance under the glow from the berry revealed it as a murky blackish-green thick mucus. Like the substance had a mind of its own, it slowly flowed out and engulfed the glow berry that Izuku sadly placed much too close to the shrieker. 

Izuku takes a step back from his handiwork. The shattered shrieker just looks more like an extremely-large bowl filled with a mysterious substance now broken and spilling out. Who knew something so dangerous was constantly being called upon by something this harmless? The villains were reliant on these things warning them of intruders. Without these shriekers, the villains won't be aware or alarmed that somebody was wandering through their area.

With the shrieker taken down, Izuku continues his journey through the mossy terrain. Even without a shrieker, there were still many dangers along the way. The seaweeds, for example, were still a massive nuisance and threat. They were susceptible to sound and could warn shriekers even further out. But they were also relatively easy to deal with. Pull them out with a strong thug, and they'll wither away into the moss silently.

After a while of walking, Izuku was steps away from the stone structures of the ruins. From up close, it looked like a walkway from an ancient Japanese structure, but without the roof above it. 

Izuku took a gulp, and place a step forward onto the stone structure. The silence was what followed as the confused kid took another step onto the structure. 

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