Chapter 17-Falling dissolution

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The figure screams as it falls down the dark sinkhole. The sound of water splashing and flowing down the side of the hole slowly faded away as the figure fell deeper into the hole. The force of the wind blew past its face as it fell deeper into the void.

The figure grunts as it can still feel the tight grip of the creature's hand still wrapped around its ankles as it drags the figure down.

"LET GO!!!!" the figure shouts as it kicks the creature in the face repeatedly.

The creature seems unfazed by the figure's attempts as it doesn't respond and keeps its grip on the figure.

The figure notices the lack of reaction from the monster and decides to try something else. It pulls itself towards the creature's hand and tries to pry its clawed fingers off its ankles.

The creature growls at realizing what the figure is trying to do and immediately tightens its grip on the figure's ankles, nearly crushing the figure's leg.

The figure cries out in pain at the creature's actions. Its fingers could no longer pull the fingers off so the figure decides to try something else.

The figure uses the creature's arm to pull itself closer to the creature's face, before punching the creature repeatedly in the face.

"LET... GO... OF... ME!!!"

The creature simply let out a grunt, seemingly still unfazed at the figure's attempts.

The figure then shoves both its hands into the "face" of the creature and much to its shock, its hands go through the creature's face, burrowing into the green moss.

This causes the creature to growl in anger and pull the figure's leg down hard. The figure yelped as it was suddenly pulled downwards. Its hands pulled from the creature's face, only for the figure to grab onto something of the exposed ribs of the creature.

The creature gave another hard pull on the figure's leg, causing the figure to cry out in pain, and its grip on the creature's ribs loosening.

The figure quickly looks past its shoulders, the creature's hand still tightly grabbing at its leg. And what appears to be an eree light at the bottom of the hole, was slowly getting closer.

Suddenly, the creature slams its free hand into the back of the figure, causing the figure to cry out in pain, its hands slipping off the ribs and straight into the creature's open chest.

The creature's sharp claw-like fingers dug into the figure's skin and it began to push the figure into its chest.

The figure cries out in pain and tries to push itself out from the creature's chest but its hands begin to sink the chest of the creature. The figure tries to pull its hands out but they remain stuck in the creature's chest, as if the flesh of the creature was holding back the figure's hands, keeping it trapped in place.

The creature continues to push the figure deeper into its chest. The figure shouts and pulls at its arms with all its might, doing its best to free itself from the constraints of flesh from the creature with little results.

Tears of fear begin to trickle down the figure's face, its mind begins to run wild...

'Is this... is this how I die?'

"I'm sorry, but your son is quirkless"

'No, no'

"Izuku here doesn't have a quirk.'

'No no'

"It's not my fault you are so clumsy Deku."

'No no no no no no no no'

"You should be alone! After all, who would want to be with a quirkless freak like you!"


"You are very good at drawing Izuku, that's an amazing artwork of that hero we saw. Maybe, have you considered a different option?"

"NO!!!!" the figure cries out, its head snapping up.

"I'M NOT DYING! NOT IN THIS CREATURE'S CHEST! AND NOT IN TERMS!!!" the figure cries out loud within the creature's chest. And through its tears, it sees something, something hanging just above it.

It was bulging, glowing, and beating twice every few seconds rhythmically. Thin lines are outlined across the bulging object.

'How did I not see that?' wonders the figure, 'What is that gah—" the figure was pushed forward deeper into the creature's chest, its arms fully buried and its chin touching the walls of the chest.

Without thinking too much, the figure pushes its head upwards as much as it can, its mouth wide open, before shutting around the object, its teeth biting onto a tiny bit of whatever it is.

And the figure using its jaws, pulled the thing downwards.


As soon as the figure pulled on the thing, it burst, splattering the insides of the creature's chest and the body of the figure with a thick blackish-green mucus that stuck to its skin.

The creature let out a roar and with both hands ripped the figure out from its chest and flung the figure against the wall of the cave, causing the figure to cry out loud as it bounced off the wall.

The creature lets out a dying cry as it grips its rib cage, its strength fading rapidly. Its entire body slowly fades a darker tone as it falls.

The figure gulps, swallowing the blood that had traveled into its mouth, and the tiny bit of the "thing", back down.

It stares at the motionless monster that had chased it down the wooden platform and dragged it down this hole. Then down at the growing light, that rapidly grows and approaches.

The light now hugs against the walls of the hole and fills it up. The body of the creature lands on the light and begins to burn up, parts of its body begin to rapidly vanish before the figure's eyes, before the body of the creature is gone.

'Guess this is end...'

and the figure gives a small smile as it falls into the light...


And.... it's DONE!!!

Part 3 of dream walking(or it WAS dream walking)

Way too long to update this. I think it took me about 4-5 months to get this out.

Couldn't write as I was too focused on my studies and had no desire to write at all. 

So yeah, it's out and short too. 

So, I am currently rereading some of my previous chapters to try to recap some of the things I wrote and relieve a few "things" I wrote. So I had to fix it and rewrite a few parts. 

It's not too noticeable, just some minor details like age, names, and stuff. I will be removing some things to make this book more enjoyable.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I am very new to writing as this is my first fanfic and this is one of my first more 'fighting(?)' scenes, so feedback is welcome greatly. 

I hope to find time to give you all the next chapter. Thank you for reading. 



Best regards;


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