Ghost 7

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Y/n sat there by the fire as he waited for the girls to finally be out of sight. His expression dropped to a serious one as he looked over to the rocks no to far from his left.

"Come out already" He demanded as his eyes trailed the movement of an individual. Its appearance reminded him of the beast he fought in the cave. Black fur, large spiked arms, a tail, and a white head resembling a mutated skull.

 Black fur, large spiked arms, a tail, and a white head resembling a mutated skull

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"Your definently different than the last one. Let me guess, Varkus sent you to kill me?" Y/n clenched his fists as they began emitting smoke.

"Your first guess is correct, however my orders weren't to kill you, rider" The beasts voice was deep and gravely, it crawled along all fours and slowly got closer to its target. "My orders were to bring you to him"

"Hate to burst your bubble, but that's gonna be quite the task for you" His irises began giving off a golden glow, small flames being produced on the backs of his hands. "Got a name like the last one?"

"I have no name, I relinquished it a long time ago" The beast began its charge at the boy with intense speed despite its proportions. Y/n stepped out of the way as the beast crashed into the fire pit, scattering the burning wood everywhere.

"Your speed is a little slower than Drake's, I'm not impressed" The boy gripped the air before a ball of flames formed. He hurled it towards the beast as it impacted with its back. He was surprised to not see any burns on the beasts back.

It turned to face the boy as it rolled its shoulders with a grunt. "Your pathetic flames won't dent my defenses" It got low once more as it charged at him again. Y/n Stood his ground and grabbed onto its horns when it got close, skidding across the sand before coming to a halt.

The beasts claws and Y/n boots dug into the sand as they both put their strength into pushing the other. Y/n felt his control drop as his body seemingly acted on its own. His knee burst into flames as he quickly kneed its chin, staggering the beast before he sent a flaming palm strike to its chest, sending it flying across the beach.

"A little warning next time will you?" He spoke to the rider once he gained control back, shaking the fire off his hand as he kept his eyes locked to where the beast lay.

"With the commotion we've already caused, its bound to attract their attention since they didn't leave in time. So we may as well speed things up" The rider spoke within his head, mentally gesturing towards the top of the hill.

All five girls were standing there with worried looks on their faces. Y/n took notice as his own worry rose for their safety. "All of you need to get out of here!-"He was cut off as a boulder was hurled at him, crashing into and forming a sand cloud.

"Y/n!" Akali wasted no time in leaping down the hill, only for something much larger than herself to appear from thin air, stopping her in her tracks.

This beast was also humanoid, its lower body seeming to be made of wood, same with its arms. It had red patches of fur, and its head was that of a demonic looking skull.

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