Ghost 2

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Both Vastayans and the ninja stood by as they watched the boy work on Akali's bike. Concentration keeping him focused as he inspected the engine after removing it.

"How did you say you found him again?" Akali asks, still stun locked as her eyes scan every nook and cranny of the boy from afar.

"I didn't find him. Kid said he came in looking for work after he recently arrived in town" Sett slightly explains before noticing the looks on their faces, letting out a short laugh afterwards. "I know the kids got looks, but you both look like you wanna gobble him up"

Ahri snapped out of the slight trance she was in, a heavy blush over taking her cheeks. She walked over and began lightly smacking Sett in the side. "I can't help it! You of all people should know that!"

Sett simply laughed more as he let himself be playfully assaulted by the fox. Akali then asked, while still eyeing him up. "He got a name?"

"Yep, Y/n L/n. Apparently he's been traveling around for a place to live and settled for Piltover. Never said why though" He says as Ahri soon stops her small non harmful beating to the larger Vastayan.

However, now that Ahri was out of it, she couldn't help but feel something from the boy. She knew most of the worlds population had abilities, but his felt somewhat close Evelynn's in nature.

She had the slight urge to ask him, maybe even peek into his memories a little but pushed that idea away as fast as it came. She didn't wanna invade his privacy if it was something personal.

"Why don't you two go wait in the staff lounge. I'll have him come and get you when he's done" Sett suggested to the two girls. As much as they wanted to watch Y/n work, they didn't exactly wanna tire their legs out by standing in place for a while.

"Do you wanna join us? It'd b nice to catch up after a while" Akali makes the suggestion, finaly managed to avert her eyes over to Sett. He waved his hand dismissively.

"Unfortunately I am still on the clock, so I gotta hop back to it. Maybe some other time perhaps" They nodded in understanding before heading off to the staff lounge.

Sett walked over to Y/n was to focused on his work to see his boss coming. He took a look at the engine to see was pretty banged up. "How's it coming there?"

"Not well I'm afraid. Whatever caused it to blow completely destroyed most of the necessary components to make it work. I'll either after to order the parts, or bring it back to my place to see if I can fix it up there" Y/n stated before tossing one of his tools back into the box, dusting his hands off a little.

"I see. Well lets wait on those two options and see if we can't find anything here first. We should have some parts in the storage room" The boy agreed to this as the two of them walked to the storage room.

It was filled with many shelfs full of vehicle parts. While Setts shop was used for repairing people vehicles, it was also a salvage depot. So they had amassed quite the collection.

The two of them began searching through the shelves. Sett was just kinda tossing parts behind if it wasn't the right one. While Y/n had placed them back where they were when he didn't find one either. Sett then broke the silence within the room.

"You know, those two were eyeing you a moment ago. Didn't think you'd capture the interest of two of most popular girls in town" Sett says with a smirk on his face, looking over his shoulder at Y/n who did the same.

"Is that supposed to be a good thing? It's the first time I've seen them since I got here so I'm not sure if I should be proud or not" Obvious confusion was written all over the boys face.

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