Ghost 17

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The capital city of Ionia, a city with technological advancements that rival that of Piltover's. The city itself was densely packed with buildings as well the surrounding forestry, creating a scene that could be described from a sci-fi fantasy novel. The streets were filled with a wide variety of people, ranging from humans to Vastayan's. 

However, along with all the citizens of the city, were armored soldiers kitted out with all sorts of utilities, light weight resistant armor plating, and a jump kit strapped to their waists. Some were either carrying an X-55 Devotion, a CAR, or a Volt, with their trusty side arms being a B3 Wingman.

 Some were either carrying an X-55 Devotion, a CAR, or a Volt, with their trusty side arms being a B3 Wingman

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These soldiers were patrolling the city in pairs of 2-3. They were either silent or making small conversations amongst themselves. Everyone that walked past them did their best to give them a wide birth, a sense of fear washing over them, the soldiers themselves didn't seem to care in the slightest. 

Inside what would be considered the market district of the city, it was as you would expect, many stalls and shops littered this area, and there was nicely dense crowed of people. It was to be expected since it gets busy this time of the night. Some soldiers were also posted here to keep watch over the district.

There was also food stalls within the cluster near the center of district. One such stall had a trio eating a nice nightly meal of ramen, with two of them feeling a sense of euphoria when they devoured their dishes. The third one of the group had already finished her meal as she watched the other two, giggling to herself. 

"Got to hand it to Ionian's with their taste in food, this ramen is fricking delicious!" The first to speak was the young male of the group, who excitedly ate his ramen. He nearly ended up choking as began to cough. The woman who had finished her meal handed him her cup of water as he gulped it down.

"Best not to talk when your mouth is full dear. Don't want you choking to death" She spoke in a gentle tone, caressing the boys back in a comforting manner. The boy was thankful that she had saved him yet again from something as silly as this.

"Hey keep! I request another bowl this instant!" The third and most energetic of the trio had demanded more, being on her 5th bowl already. The owner of the stall had never been more happy to have customers like these three. Just meant more pay for him. He got to work on yet another bowl of ramen for the girl.

"Hey! You do realize that we are on a tight budget right now, right?!" The boy turned to his companion, only for her to stick her tongue out at him. She was soon given her new bowl of ramen as she began digging in. "We've only been here for a few days, how can we keep a roof over our heads if we don't have any money on us?" 

The girl slurped up some of her noodles quite loudly, finishing that bowl in a matter of seconds. "We can always just rob someone. Besides, what's the big deal with money management anyway? I see no need for it" She says after wiping her mouth. The boy growled as he put the girl in an armlock, digging his fist into her head. She was resisting while pushing his head away. 

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