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"Guys!" Drew had a tight grip on my wrist as he dragged me downstairs.

"What? What happened?" Mom was sitting in the living room with the kids. Dad and Peggy went to go fix a water leak in the laundry room in the basement.

"Mom, something bit me!" I said.

"Something bit me. The night we left there was a bitemark on my shoulder!" Janet said.

"Let me see," Mom said. I pushed the shoulder of my nightgown down towards my collarbone, exposing the bitemark.

"Two missing teeth. That has to be the same bite mark!" Mom said.

"Maybe you were right about this, Drew. There has to be something here," I said.

But it still doesn't make any goddamn sense.


"Hey. I know it isn't Christmas yet, and I was gonna wait to give you this when we got back to Connecticut, but I don't think I can wait that long," Drew pulled a small black box out of his back pocket. "I saw you eyeing it when we got here, so I bought it for you," Drew opened the box to reveal a crown-like ring that caught my eye on the first day we were in London.

"Oh my god! Drew!" I smiled as he slipped the small ring onto my middle finger.

"I love you," Drew smiled.

"I love you more," I smiled back before Drew planted a kiss on my lips.

"Awh, it feels like I'm watching the proposal all over again!" Rose giggled.

"I got you something too you idiot. I'll be right back," Drew chuckled. Drew ran upstairs as mom and down came down.

"What did you two do to Drew this time?" Mom asked.

"We didn't do anything. He got us early Christmas gifts," I said, showing my parents the ring on my finger.

"He's a good guy, Lizzie. You got lucky," Peggy half-joked.

"I got you this. I didn't know what you liked, but it matches the earrings your mom bought you for your 21st birthday, so I thought why not buy it," Drew smiled, walking back downstairs.

"Thank you!" Rose smiled.

"So we don't get any shiny expensive jewelry?" Dad joked.

"Ugh fine, I'll pay for the dinner if you pay for the taxi," Drew jokingly huffed.

"He's joking, you don't have to take us out anywhere," Mom said.

"If it wasn't for you two I have no clue where I'd be right now. I did really get lucky with this one. Please, it's on me," Drew smiled.

"Go! We'll still be here when you get back!" Margaret smiled.

"Oh, fine! Lets go!" Dad said.


"Okay, so, Liz and I have done some talking, and we decided on something," Drew grabbed my hand.

"I'm not becoming a grandpa yet, right?" Dad asked.

"What? No, hell no! Liz and I are gonna head out on a roadtrip as soon as we get back to Monroe," Drew announced.

"Where are you going?" Rose asked.

"We were planning to decide that on the flight back. We won't be gone for long," I said.

"We'll talk about this more when we get back. Maybe we should head back to the Hodgsons," Dad said.

"Yeah, maybe," I replied.


"We're- holy shit!" Drew pulled me out of the way of a chair flying directly towards me.

"She's in the kitchen with Johnny!" Margaret screamed as mom, dad, Drew and Peggy tried to open the now locked kitchen door. Rose and I tried to comfort Billy and Margaret. After a few attempts, dad managed to break the lock and open the door. There were broken dishes, bent silverware, the table was flipped over and knives scattered the floor. Still, there was no sign of Johnny or Janet.

"Don't cut yourself. Be careful," Drew made sure Rose and I didn't cut ourselves on the sharp glass covering the floor as we searched for Johnny and Janet. Luckily, we found Johnny hiding in a closet. Peggy picked him up and comforted him as we searched for Janet.


A/N: Hi, it's me! I cut this chapter off after realizing that this book may be shorter than the last one chapter-wise, but I may be able to fix that (kinda) if I make the chapters shorter. What do you guys want? Shorter chapters and a longer book or longer chapters and a shorter book. Please put it in the comments and thank you so much for all the support on the last two books.

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