It were two weeks since Hope was born Esther the psycho mother from Klaus was back and Elena and Klaus haven't gotten really close. Elena avoided him. Even tho she was the mother of his doughter wouldn't mean she had to like him it just meant she couldn't try to kill him, fight with him, yell at him anymore, but that didn't change the fact that she hated him. Jenna was like a mother to her and everytime she looked at the hybrid she saw how Jenna died. She had nightmares from the night of the sacerfice so she refused to sleep she told herself. Elijah distanced himself from her, that hurt her but she ignored that feeling and focused fully and only on Hope. Elena didn't let her alone for a single minute. Rebekah was back after Elena convinced Klaus that she is still Hopes aunt. Bonnie and Marcel never went on that date, cause Marcel wasn't sure if his feelings for Rebekah are gone and Bonnie didn't want and never wanted to be in a love triangel. Davina and Elena have gotten close friends and Elena visited her every day. She didn't have a clue Davina brought back Mikael. "wendnesday?"Kol asked. "No, there baby Hope, Elena and I were dressing Hope in various stylish dresses sent by Care, a baby fashion show, after that Hope was so tired she yelled all night, Elena didn't even sleep."She told them."sunday?"Klaus thought. "No there hope was listening to her favourite uncel ,meaning me telling her storys and Elena wanted to make sure that they were age appropriate, she wouldn't leave my side."Kol was serious. "Who can blame her?"Bonnie joked. "You know you love me Bennet." He teased. "I'm telling you Saturday that was her last nap. She didn't sleep at all! That isn't healthy."Was Bonnie concernd. "Wow that's like a full seven day."Klaus checked the matter. "She is done, show time boys."Bonnie orderd. "Daddy time."Klaus said and took Hope of Elenas arm. "And we need some friends time."Bonnie graped her. "Why don't you hop in to the bed?"Bonnie suggested. "But I was going to clean up."Elena refused. "We have maids for that."Klaus said. "and you need to be rested for the ball."Klaus pointed out. "ball? That wasn't a joke?"Was Elena surprised. "I am not joking about balls."Klaus defended himself. "Doesn't matter I have a dress anyway, someone send it to me."Elena didn't want to argue. "Elena I am leaving."Bonnie finaly said. "What?"Everybody said in usion. Bonnie became a close friend, even with Klaus. "Thinks are getting messy in Mystic Falls, Care called she needs help and Stefans is still missing through. Silas killed my dad Elena, I won't let him kill Caroline."She explained. "I can't take a nap if you are leaving than I'm missing friends time."She said. "Elena if you don't take a nap I swear I will telleport in that second to Mystic Falls."The witch threatend. "Okay, Wait here it will just take a shower before." She orderd and left to the bathroom. "Does Marcellus know you are leaving?"Klaus teased Bonnie. "He doesn't have to."Bonnie said. "I will leave tomorrow meaning I won't miss the Mikaelson ball."Bonnie informed them. "Kol!"Elena yelled. Kol smirked. "What did you do?"Bonnie wanted to know. "Nothing."He said innocently. Elena suddenly stand there naked. "Kol you bastard give her her clothes."Bonnie orderd. Elijah and Klaus were staring at Elenas body."Hello turn around gentlemans."Bonnie orderd. "Why? It's not like something we haven't seen before, Tatia, Katerina."Klaus joked. Bonnie turned him around with magic and threw Elena something to put on.
This was all her foult. Jenna was dead. She was dead, because of her. She was never going to hear her singin under the shower, Elena was never able to hug her again, get her parent advices and she would never see her again... and it was her foult.
Elena woke up breathing hysterically, she went to Hopes room and watched Hope laying in her cradel. "Bad dream?"Klaus suddenly appeared." Shit! What is she supposed to say now "Yeah, you could say so."Elena didn't really know what to say he was unfortunally still her doughter's father."Yeah. Pretty much."The brunette answerd as she took Hope in her arms when she noticed that her doughter was dressed in dirt clothes. "Oh no. Looks like uncel Koly misunderstood dressing with walzing. Let's get some dresses from aunty Caroline."She spoke in a childish raised voice with her doughter.
"You are a great mother."He complimented her. "Thank you."She smiled. "And you held your promise so.."He began when the door went open and Stefan stood there. Elena froze. She thought He was dead. Once and for all. "Stefan?"She asked making sure she didn't dream. He smiled at her. She Ran to him and hugged him as tears streamed down her face. She punched him as she broke the hug."I thought I will never see you again."She cried. "Damon said, you two broke up moths ago?" He asked. "It's a long story really."She assured him. "Why don't you stay till the ball ends Stefan?"Bonnie asked. "You are alive?"He asked in Shock."Come here, rippah."She said as she hugged him. "Bon. I gotta say without you Brooklyn 99 is not the same."Stef told his friend indirectly that he missed her. After Bonnie left and it was only Stefan, Elena, Klaus and of course baby Hope in the room he had to ask"You are Klaus's baby mama?" He askede "That's even a longer story."She continued. "You took the cure?"He continued asking. "Yeah I did not on purpose, but Katherine kinda forced it down my throat."Now she was slightly confused. "What did Silas do to you?"She wanted to know. "Can we talk about it later?"He didn't really want to talk about it yet. "Sure."Elena assured him. She still loved Stefan, she will always love Stefan. "Do you wanna hold her?"The brunette asked as she gave her doughter into Stefan's arms. The Salvatore said in a playfull voice:"Hello Hope, I'm you uncel Stefan."Elena and baby Hope loughed at that. They looked like a littel family in Klaus's eyes. He simply left the room he wasn't going to torture himself with that.
Beautiful Bitches in the Originals
VampireKatherine didn't take the cure instead she got staked in the fight with Elena by Damon. During the fight Elena got the cure instead of Katherine. Elena choose Damon and they were some time together but Elena couldn't forget how He almost killed Bonn...