Chapter 8

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From the last chapter

However it seemed that the gods had not abandoned nor given up on their prayers and hopes, for the Akagami pirates believed that the gods were the ones who had brought the white haired child to them. It was truly adorable to watch the small child try to kill their captain, while it was obvious the child was attached to the man..

They almost seemed like a father and his son.......


"NOOO!" The child's childish wail caught Ben's wandering mind who was walking peacefully through lala land, back to reality. Only to see the two previously mentioned people facing each other on the table, with one trying to shove some greens into the other's mouth.

"come on!!! You have to eat all of you veggies!!" Shanks nagged the younger boy ( much like a father, if Ben would add on), pushing all the greens into the younger boy's mouth, making sure that the boy chewed and swallowed all his food before the red haired smiled at the boy.

" You can't just force feed people!!" the said child pouted, while fuming in mock anger, proceeding to turn away from the red haired man, huffing his cheeks out.

" It wasn't force feeding." Shanks argued back, placing the fork elegantly on the plate again. He smiled warmly at the boy once again, while poking the huffed up cheeks of the youngster. The action only made the white haired boy scowl in anger.

" So you have asked for death."

"Right.. you never get tired do you." Shanks shook his head all the while catching a haki infused punch, blocking a kick and ducking to evade another deadly punch.

"WHY ARE YOU SO GOOD AT DODGING!!" Sebastian/ the white haired kid squeaked in anger (well he actually screamed but it sounded like a squeak to everybody else). However all the while he was screaming/ squeaking his head off like an insane person, his attacks were smooth and clean.
Sebastian threw another pair of kicks towards the man, before hurling towards him poisoned dipped twin daggers. These were dangerous moves that would kill anyone ordinary or not powerful enough, for sure, however the thing was that Akagami no Shanks was a man that was neither an ordinary man nor a weakling. He was actually one of the strongest yonko so that attack was nothing out of the ordinary so the man just hoped over the kicks and escaped the twin daggers with perfect ease.

Shanks smirked smugly, pulling an ' Anya's mocking eye ' at the boy, before teasingly poking his nose up high in the air screaming, " BECAUSE MY DEAR CHILD, IT'S CALLED...drum roll please Benny, " Shanks grinned widely, whispering the last part of his first mate who just obeyed with a dead annoyed face. Shanks believed he had done a good job at ignoring Ben's eye roll, Lucky Roo's sigh and Yassop's chuckle of pure amusement as he declared into the sky, stretchering both of his arms ( well one stump ) into the air, " IT'S CALLED SKILLS AND EXPERIENCE!!"

With a sickening crack that made Yassop very proud and Ben tear up due to overflowing pride, a powerful kick landed on Shanks' side ( the side with the arm attached ). The impact of the kick caused the said man to fly across through the door of the kitchen and out to the other side of the boat, however the white haired was still in the kitchen fuming in anger. Which was quite adorable, if Shanks, Ben, Lucky Roo and Yassop could, would and should add.


Shanks just stuck his tongue out at the raging child who seemed like a raging baby puppy if you asked him.... the imagination only cause Shanks to burst into a fit of giggle and chuckles until he began to choke on them and gasp for air like a mad man. The child just turned his back toward the man with a small hump, crossing his arms and poking his head high up in the air in frustration before he huffed, " even Doffy wasn't like this.." The child stared into the ceiling, remembering the time he had accidently met and befriended an insane flamingo while he was in the process of watering his trees to make Boaty Boat his boat.. THAT SHANKS AND THE STUPID 'RED FORCE' HAD DESTORYED AND MUREDERED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Soon the boy was in his lala land, planning of ways to torture both Shanks and the red force, as well as how to revive 'Boaty Boat ', this happened quite alot when he thought of his treasued boat but anyways, as you could see minding his very own business when he was brought back to reality as Shanks spoke.

"Doffy??" The man/ Shanks repeated, tilting his way slightly, tying to be cute which only caused the younger boy to frown back at him.

"Yes, Doffy.. Doflamingo's nickname." The white haired boy sighed, closing his eyes beneath the piece of cloth, not wanting to see a 39 year old man trying to act cute in front of him.

"Oh Doflamingo ........... WAIT HOW DO YOU KOW THAT PINK-LONG-LEGGED-FEATHERED-CHICKEN!!!" Shanks exclaimed, all of a sudden in front of the young boy, his face not even an a meter further away from the boy's.

"He's a flamingo." The boy pointed out, pulling a poker face while he tried his best not to be seem startled, by this stupid red haired pirate who had suddenly popped right in front of his face, when the young boy swore that the man had been sitting on the other side of the boat, not even a second ago, " and.. I met him while I was watering trees.." 

" watering tress?" Shanks questioned, leaning more further closer to the boy ( okay readers, shanks is just being a typical anime character the leans in when he or she is curious about something, and not being a prevent. ) 
" Growing trees." the child confirmed with a nod of his head. 

" then met a long-legged-feathered-light-pink-chicken?" Shanks questioned again, pulling himself towards the boy who was now kind of freaked out in his mind yet was successfully keeping a poker face on. 

" then met a pink flamingo named Doflamingo. " The child/ Sebastian corrected, inching further away from the red haired man that now looked like a pervert to the young boy, dashing away from him when he saw a chance, running into the warm embrace of Ben, who wrapped his arms protectively around the boy. 
" BECKMAN!!! SHANKS IS ACTING LIKE A PERVERT!!" He exclaimed as he wrapped his tiny arms around the older man that he had deemed as his castle and defense force. 

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