Chapter 28

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Why was Ben Beckman ( the unofficially officially appointed mother figure/ the most responsible figure on the ship/ the mom/ mother hen of the Akagami pirates) not impressed at all? 

Maybe it had to do with the fact that he had been with the world's biggest idiot he had ever seen (besides Anchor, that adorably, lovely boy who smiled as if everything was alright ) for over tens of years straight from when Shanks first started out as a independent pirate.

Maybe it had to do with the fact that he had recently been hit in the head by Shanks accidently falling down and using him as a cushion of  some sort. He was actually surprised he didn't have a concussion because he swore that he got hit by the man's elbow ( one of the strongest bones a body can have ) and then fell face forward onto the wooden floor. 

Perhaps it was because of Cloudy's cooking that he had consumed in the last two days, it did have this weird purple and black smoke coming off from it even as the food grew cold, which was very very weird. Now that he thought about it the food did have a whole fish bone, an apple and a raw pineapple in there mixed all up in a very sticky purple stew like soupy substance. 
And although Ben Beckman was a man that prided himself for being the right hand man of the Akagami Pirates as well the smartest man in the east blue, he just couldn't say no to the food that the young boy had offered him. 
Like as if you could, yes I mean you. 
Uh huh. 

Ben had seen the young boy as he tried his best to make the meal, without a moment of rest as he moved from one place to another with seasonings, cook books and pulling out ingredients from the fridge.

He had seen the boy smiling proudly as he brightened up when the substance- I mean food bubbled and everything was mixed in as he had wanted. 

He had watched from afar ( to make sure the young child wasn't getting hurt or burnt) as he struggled to cut the veggies, searching up google ( Shanks: what is Google? ) to find the most healthiest vegetables then dumping a good heap into the mixture, before blowing the soup a good charm kiss. 

How could he not accept the food thankfully and praise him for such a good taste and how it was the most heavenly food he had tasted. 

And Ben was sure you would do the same too.
Maybe even be stupid enough to ask for seconds and thirds even though you were sure you would not make it far in consuming that. 

All Ben knew was that he just felt annoyed, pissed and just simply done with life for a short term of time. 

" Shanks," Ben sighed rubbing the bridge of his nose as a very guilty looking Shanks stared up at him from the floor with his best pitiful face, " You are so stupid and reckless."

" But Ben!!" The red haired man whined, flopping down onto the group with a soft thud, puffing his cheeks out, " It wasn't even my fault and besides he was safe with me!! I wasn't even trying or even planning to throw him up and caught him!!"  

All he received was a ' I'm not convinced nor am I impressed' look from his vice captain. 

" But.." 

The red haired man was shut down by a " Really??" look/ glare/ bombastic side eye from his friend ( who suddenly reminded him of a mother that was scolding or lecturing her child who had done something too stupid ). 

" Listen to me, look.." Shanks tried to speak.

" A ' why am I not surprised why am I even dealing with you' look from Ben completely silenced the man. 

" But.. Cloudy.. and now don't give me that ' sHaNks DoN't Be StUpId AnD aNnOyInG' look, and no the ' the fuck are you doing, Shanks' look isn't any better, no the ' look it's an idiot talking ' look isn't any better. In fact I think I know better than you right now, you're clearly sober cause unless you are, you don't start giving out so many of our judgmental glares and stares. 

The red haired man whispered yelled across to a very annoyed looking vice captain who simply looked down with life as of now and with his captain. And don't get him wrong, he loved his captain, great guy most of the time but he really did act like a five year old child most of the time, which needed to stop. It was to the point he went to fight Kaido while whining about not being able to get his favorite chupa chops. 

" HE'S GNAWING ON MY ONLY HAND!!" Shanks cried, trying to lift up his hand to emphasis his point, only to have it yanked back by the child's arm then used like some comfort doll or pillow.

" See!!" Shanks cried, " My ONLY HAND IS BEING ATTACKED!! And maybe having one of your hands being gnawed by a small child for no reason is no problem cause you have two, two, two, which is what I lack!!! For me this is serious!!"

A ' I can see but do I look like I care' look once again left Shanks speechless, gasping like a goldfish out of water and having no idea what to do at all. 

" And there we have it ladies and gentle men,"  a loud and very drunk sounding voice announced, revealing a very flushed, spinning eyed Yassop as he hiccupped and swayed his way to them as he used a spoon as a makeshift microphone, " the Great Ben Beckman, and for those who don't know this very known fact ( shame on you ) he was also known as the mother hen of the red hair pirates, and speaking of red haired pirates we really don't have any red hairs except the big guy himself but oh well guess the weird haired men also had a very bad taste in making names to be feared and respected with, has once again been defeated Reddie with a few stares!!" 

Even though the two had been arguing ( a very one sided one ) just a few seconds ago, the two had known each other for tens of years and so even an eye contact could communicate everything necessary. 

" Ben ." 

" At it boss,  next to my room." 

" sure"  



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