Chapter 9

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" then met a pink flamingo named Doflamingo. " The child/ Sebastian corrected, inching further away from the red haired man that now looked like a pervert to the young boy, dashing away from him when he saw a chance, running into the warm embrace of Ben, who wrapped his arms protectively around the boy.
" BECKMAN!!! SHANKS IS ACTING LIKE A PERVERT!!" He exclaimed as he wrapped his tiny arms around the older man that he had deemed as his castle and defense force. 


"BEN!!" Cloudy is being a bully!!" Shanks crossed his arms and puffed his cheeks out, trying his hardest to be cute, while teasingly and playfully glaring at the white haired child buried in the arms of his first mate. Ben, just rolled his eyes at Shanks and continued to stroke the child's hair with so much love and affection that people may mistake him for the child's parent. 

"my names not Cloudy!!" the white haired child puffed, tugging on the first mate's sleeve  letting him know that he wanted to be carried, and the man just complied happily. 

" Well you didn't tell me you're name!!" Shanks pointed out, smiling sadly in his mind as suddenly he was reminded of his long lost child who would be around the white haired child's age. However he shook those sad thoughts out of his mind, there was a child in front of him and he wanted the child to be loved and cared for, even though he didn't know the child very well. 

" My Grandpapappapappa told me not to tell my name to strangers!!" The white haired child huffed as played around with Ben's long greyish hair that now had some white hair mixed into it. The white hair was not something that Sebastian found strange for he had white hair himself but Ben seemed to blamed it on Shanks,which he did not get.  Had Shanks dyed his hair as a prank or something like that?
 Sebastian really didn't know.
All he knew was that adults were, are and will always be weird and something he couldn't understand. 

Shanks just waved off Cloudy's weird look as he swung his head to look at Ben and then at the child and vise versa, as he smiled at the comment that Cloudy had stated, " Right," Shanks raised his eyebrows," so you can't tell strangers your name... then was it okay to jump onto a strangers ship??" 
Sebastian just buried his face into Ben's shoulder out of anger, not wanting to deal with this man child that just happened to be the captain of the ship that he had jumped onto. 

" not to mention that you tried and still is trying to kill someone." Shanks added poking the head of the child that refused to face him, and even though the child was facing away from him, Shanks just knew that Cloudy was fuming in rage, which he didn't know why but it was adorable. 

Shanks didn't know what he had expected from the last comment, maybe it would have been a 'yeah he'll be disappointed' or 'maybe he'll be worried' but whatever it was, his ideal answer wasn't this.. when the child unburied himself from Ben's embrace and faced him, beaming. 

" Grandpappappappa wouldn't mind one bit at all.. in fact he would be overjoyed that who I want to kill is a pirate and would even force Bo-ni and Ce-ni ( Sabo and Ace ) to help me locate the target, get Ffy-ni to observe the area before attacking all together." 
A bright and innocent smile spread across the child's once scowling face as he threw his hands up into the sky to emphasise the excitment in his words. And it seemed to the rest of the people on the ship that the young child was reminiscing about a found past. 

' That's concerning. ' Ben thought, whoever these people that the child had told them about, they were not ordinary people, he didn't know how but he could just feel it. He drew out his arm that wasn't supporting the child clinging to him, then proceeded to casually run his rough hands through the child's hair, ruffling the child's super soft white hair that made him sometimes believe that he was ruffling the clouds. 

' Okay.. that's a not normal for a kid.... right??' Shanks asked internally, all the while expecting an answer.. but he was talking/thinking inside his head and as far as the author knows, the only person controlling his brain and head was him and only himself. And so he didn't receive an answer, afterall what would you expect from this man when he wasn't seriouse or in battle?

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The great legendary marine of all times, the fleet admiral for many years and a person that all the marines and citizens all respected and basically worshipped, The one and only Sengoku The Buddha, could literally feel the white hairs sprouting up constantly, due to overloaded and over flowing stress.

Scratch that.
Two thirds of his once beautiful, healthy and bright jet black hair had now all turned white due to stress, stress not from that crazy vice-admiral Akainu, not from the weird new batch of marines and definitely not his grandchild that just popped out after the death of his child, no, no, no those events were not the reason for the white hair that now grew in his head.  No, all that white hair was from the stress caused by Garp, his lifelong partner in crime as well as rival. 

Now, everyone who even for a second talked to Garp, the GREAT Hero of marines, would instantly know how much the old marine obsessed, adored and swooned over his four grandsons. So imagine all the information Sengoku knew after spending decades and possible more time with Garp than his own wife. 

Sengoku basically knew when, how and what happened during Ace's first steps, how many times Luffy had gotten eaten and pulled out of a crocodile's stomach,  how wide the gap of Sabo's missing tooth were and so much more information that he wouldn't be able to retell even if he relived his whole life again. 

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