Chapter 1

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As Cora is in her house, writing in her journal, she is sitting at her desk, with a lamp above her notebook.

"Over the course of my long life, I have been without a Mother. I seen how Lydia is a Mother of two daughters, I see Malia and Kira are Mothers with a son. I feel left out because all of the kids will have a Mother. I try to ignore the negative thoughts in my head but they are getting bigger. But mark my words, I will do anything to get my Mother back.

Now in Beacon Hills, there was a little coffee shop built named "Juniors" while the pack was a College. As Liam, Hayden, Mason, and Corey all sit a one table, they all laugh with each other.

"It has been so long since we all hung out like this" Liam tells them.

"You're right, I missed all of you" Mason adds.

"We went to the same College, and were dorm maters" Corey says while laughing.

"Gross" Hayden says with a smile. "How has life been" she asks.

"Amazing" Corey and Mason says at the same time.

"Surprising actually" Liam says with a sad facial expression. "Theo and I actually have the same job."

"Oh shit. How is that going" Hayden asks.

"Good, besides the fact that we are under the same roof, and every room I go to... He's in there" Liam responds.

"Will you ever confess your feelings to him" Hayden asks.

Liam looks at her confused. "What do you mean"

"We all see it. You like him" Corey says.

"But I'm not gay" Liam says.

"Ever heard of bisexual people. Like Derek, Stiles, Brett, Kira, Scott, Malia" Corey cuts Mason off.

"Isn't Malia and Scott pansexual?"

"Same thing" he responds.

"I don't have feelings for Theo, and I never will" Liam says with a attitude.

"We'll see." Hayden says.

Mason and Corey's phone buzzes and they both look at the messages.

"Jesus got into a fight today" Mason says not looking up from his phone.

"Mariana told me Jesus got into a fight today and seen Jesus go to the office" Corey says.

Then they both stand to their feet and get ready to go.

"Leaving so soon" Hayden says with a sad voice.

"Perks of being Dads" Mason says. "See y'all tomorrow."

Liam and Hayden nods and the two men leaves.

"How's Gwen" Liam asks trying to break the awkwardness between him and Hayden.

"Good." she says.

"That's good" Liam says.

It's still awkward between them.

Back in South America Cora is meeting someone with a dangerous background. The background meaning he is the literal devil.

"How may I help you" Cade asks.

"I want to bring my dead mother back to life, but I don't know how. Can you help me" Cora asks.

"I can actually, but it comes with a price"

"What price" Cora asks instantly regretting it.

"Some lives will become lost, friendships and relationships broken and tested, and injuries along the way. Now... Are you sure you want to do this" Cade asks.

The Unbroken Bond Book 1Where stories live. Discover now