Chapter 3

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After the fight between Cora and Lydia... Cora is walking on the sidewalk sad that she definitely had ruined her friendship with Lydia. But as if things couldn't get anymore worse Dark Davina steps in front of Cora.

"Miss me" Dark Davina asks.

Cora looks at Davina noticing that she has fully submitted to dark magic.

"You are now the most powerful witch there is" Cora tells her.

"Oh I know... I can feel it" Dark Davina says as she put her hands in a fist and closing her eyes. "I can also feel that you betrayed a certain person"

Dark Davina opens her eyes.

"And you need to get punished for that" she says as she snaps her finger and Cora vanishes.

At Juniors.

Hayden, Mason, Corey, and Liam are all sitting at the table as Liam starts to tell them some surprising news.

"I have something to tell you all" Liam says. "And you all have to promise not to get mad"

"Cross my heart hope to die" Mason says.

Liam looks at Hayden and Corey for their trust.

"Of course" Corey agrees.

"I have your back until the end of time" Hayden says.

"Okay... Umm, Theo and I hooked up the other night" Liam confess.

He starts to notice his friends are quiet, in shock, in disgust? He doesn't know but he starts to overthink... Then all of a sudden he starts to notice a smile on Mason's face.

"Pay up losers" Mason says as he hands his hand out as Hayden and Corey hands Mason $20.

"Wait y'all were betting on me" Liam questions.

"I came to your house the other day and I heard moaning... That didn't sound like a female, but Theo's voice to be exact. I told them and made a bet. AND THEY LOST" Mason says with a laugh.

"Y'all are okay with me and Theo" Liam asks.

"We always will be" Hayden says. "We are the puppy pack, we stick with each other... Always"

"Also was that time a one night stand or no" Corey asks.

"Shit we never even talked about that night" Liam tells them.

"Well you better hurry if you want to be in a relationship with Theo" Hayden says.

"You're right" he says as he stands to his feet. "I'm gonna go look for Theo Raeken" Liam leaves his three friends at the table.

In a basement at an abandoned house.

As Cora is tied up to a chair, Dark Davina is throwing yellow wolfsbane at her, as Dark Davina enjoys hearing the pains of Cora's scream.

"STOP" Cora yells.

"Why should I Cora? You forced Dark magic in me, you said you was gonna kill Scott and Lydia if you had too. That doesn't seem like a good friend to me" she says as she is constantly throwing the wolfsbane at her.

"Okay I get it, I messed up. Now please let me go"

The basement door opens to show Theo then when Cora looks at him she figures it out.

"This basement is his house... Nice try Davina" Cora pushes herself back as the chair falls to the ground and breaks it. She unties herself and stands on the both of her feet.

"I had a fun time here, now I have to go" Cora says as she snap Theo's neck and punches Dark Davina in the face as she leaves running away.

The Next Day.

The Unbroken Bond Book 1Where stories live. Discover now