Chapter 2

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     In a flashback, back in South America, Cora is listening as Cade (The Devil) tells her to find a witch.

"You will need to find a witch that you need to give this dark magic too" Cade says as he gives Cora a container that controls the dark magic.

"How will I know if I pass a witch" Cora questions.

"You will be able to smell them... But be careful because the witch you will meet will reek havoc on a certain person" Cade warns.

"I take my chances" Cora says walking out.

As the flashback starts to fade away Cora is awaken by her alarm. And she looks around too see the her door open and it's Lydia.

"Oh... It's just you" she says.

"Yeah, sorry. I heard your alarm go off for 15 minutes so I wanted to turn it off" she says.

Cora starts looking around the room.

"I'm still grateful that you let me stay here" Cora says.

"Of course" Lydia says with a smile.

Then before Cora knows it, Rhyme and Harmony runs in giving Cora a hug.

"Hey" Cora says with a smile. "Y'all have grown up so fast"

"Yeah time sure does flies" Lydia says with a smile as she thinks about how her 14 and 13 year old was just babies.

"I'm so happy that you are here" Harmony says. "We can do so much together"

"And I can't wait too, but I have some things to do while I'm here so we won't be able to spend time with each other that much" Cora says.

"That's fine. As long as you spend sometime with Harmony she'll be good" Rhyme says as Harmony smiles shaking her head yes.

Cora and Lydia laughs.

"Come on girls" Lydia says as the three of them leave.

During the afternoon, Cora is walking down the sidewalk in a beautiful neighborhood when she passes Davina. Cora has a feeling that she is something special... So she takes a leap of faith and talks to her.

"Hey" Cora says as Davina turns to look at her.

"You talking to me" Davina asks.

"I am... Sorry, let me rewind. Hi, I'm Cora" she says as she sets her hand out for Davina to shake it.

"Davina" she says as her and Cora shakes hands.

"I have a feeling that you are something special" she tells her.

"What do you mean" asks Davina.

"Just walk with me" Cora says walking away.

At the Beacon Hills Preserve, Cora and Davina are in the woods standing a few inches away from each other as Davina wonders why she is with a person she just met.

"Why did you bring me here" Davina asks.

"I always wanted my mother to be alive" Cora tells her.

"Look I'm sorry that your mom is dead, but what does that have to do with me" Davina asks her.

"You are a witch. I know you are because I can feel it." Cora starts to get out the container that holds the dark magic.

Davina spots the dark magic.

"What are you going to do with that" she asks.

"Use it... Not on me, on you" Cora says as she throws the container on the ground.

The Unbroken Bond Book 1Where stories live. Discover now