Final Chapter 10

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The Next Morning.

After the events that happened in the last chapter, Jed is at Ben's house.

As they are sleeping in the same bed, Jed is awakened by his phone dinging. He looks at it too see that he was sent a picture of Malia tied up to a chair.

"What" he questions.

Ben wakes up and sits up beside Jed.

"What's wrong" he ask.

"My Mom was kidnapped" Jed says as he shows Ben the picture of Malia on his phone.

Melissa's House.

Ever since their house burned down, Mason and Corey's family was staying with Melissa until they got their house fix.

When Jesus gets the message that Mason has been kidnapped he wakes up Mariana and shows her the message.

Natalie's House.

Rhyme and Harmony were both awake watching tv when Rhyme gets the message. They see the picture of Lydia tied up just like Malia.

South America.

Night Time

Derek's House.

Eli is walking home when he sees the message that Stiles has been kidnapped.

Beacon Hills.

Sheriff Station.

All of the kids including Eli who has came back from South America, is talking to Stilinski, at the same time, as they show him the texts.

"Whoa, whoa" Stilinski stops them all from talking at once. "What is going on"

"Someone kidnapped our parents" Rhyme tells him.

"Why would someone do that" he asks.

"If we had a answer don't you think we would have been told you by now" Harmony says.

All of their phones goes off again and they all look at it again.

"Come to the Beacon Hills High gymnasium to find your parents" Jed reads out loud. "I'm going"

Jed leaves.

"I'm going with him" Mariana leaves.

"Hold on one second. Let us authorities handle it" Stilinski says.

"Really? Because one of your Deputies, which is my Dad, is missing and y'all aren't doing anything about it" Jesus says leaving.

"He's making a point. If y'all are not gonna take care of your own... What makes you think you are gonna take care of us" Rhyme says leaving with Harmony.

"Nice going GrandDad... You are constantly letting us down" Eli leaves.

Beacon Hills High School.

As Jed, Rhyme, Harmony, Mariana, Jesus, and Eli all stand outside the school building, they all hold hands.

"We stick together. One for all, and all for one" Rhyme says.

They start walking into the building.

When they are all inside the building they look at Andi and Ben walking out of the hallway.

"What are y'all doing here" Jed asks.

"It's complicated for me" Andi tells him.

"My mom told me to meet her here" Ben says.

"Wait, who is your mom" Jesus asks.

"Allison Argent" Ben says.

They are all shocked by the news.

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