Chapter 5

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     On a bench in New Orleans Dark Davina wakes up and she starts to stand up looking around.

"Alright Theo come on out" she demands while turning around to see a old man staring at her.

"I'm not crazy, I just need to figure out what memory this is..." her sentence fades away as the old man leaves. "Of course... Maybe I'm losing it"

"Don't worry Davina"

Dark Davina immediately recognizes that voice as she turns around to see her adopted mom Cami.

"Everything that is lost can also be found" she says.

"Well you better hope so, because you are about to be losing some teeth" Dark Davina tells her as a threat.

"Welcome Home Davina" Cami says in a calm voice. "It's gonna be great to have you back"

"If that's some vale reference to me having dark magic, it's like I keep telling everyone, I'm never getting rid of it" she says.

"We'll see about that" Cami responds

Back in Beacon Hills.

Theo's house, as Theo is walking into his kitchen Hayden and Liam are following him.

"What the hell is wrong with the both of you" he asks.

"What do you mean" Hayden asks.

"I heard the two of you last night" Theo responds.

"What are you talking about" Liam says acting clueless.

"I can hear both of y'all's heartbeat. The only person you are fooling is no one" Theo says.

"Fine we was here" Hayden confess.

"Oh really, I didn't know" Theo says faking like he didn't know.

"Don't be mad, I was worried about you and I wanted to see what was going on with you" Liam says.

"And what does Hayden have to do with this" he asks.

"I was moral support" Hayden says.

Theo sighs.

"Look, I am thankful that y'all checked up on me, but I'm fine... Everything is fine" he says.

"Well everything doesn't look fine" Liam says as he sits down in a chair. "Tell us everything that is going on with you"

Theo sighs yet again.

Back at New Orleans.

"Please leave, I would like to wake up from this nightmare" Dark Davina tells Cami.

"That's weird because you just said that this was a memory" Cami responds.

"I had a couple rough of days" Dark Davina says.

"I know, a witch told me" Cami says.

"Really? Because you haven't talked to me ever since I left" Dark Davina says.

"I have been more absent then I'd like. But things have been rocky around here" Cami tells her.

"Isn't it always. So how am I here?" Dark Davina questions.

"Theo sent you here to New Orleans. He wanted us to help you get rid of the dark magic and no longer submit to it" Cami tells her.

"Well, you are just gonna waste your time. Now I'm gonna go stare at a beignet or whatever" Dark Davina says walking away.

"Davina'' Cami calls out for her.

She turns around to look at her.

"What" Dark Davina asks.

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