Esdeath x Fem! Reader

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in this Y/n is kidnapped by Esdeath because Esdeath wants Y/n to be hers and i haven't watched the anime because i don't like a bunch of girls falling in love with one boy and i don't know if Esdeath will be oc like, or if any of the characters will be oc like, but Esdeath is basically going to be dominant and yandere-like.


me, Sheele and Akame were just walking when we heard something in the bushes ''what was that?'' ''don't know, we should probably see it to make sure we aren't being followed'' ''maybe we should just attack it?'' ''no we can't Y/N, we just need to make sure'' ''well i'm not going to be saving you if you get caught'' ''yeah yeah sure''  Sheele walk over to the bushes and she screams when we see that it's just a little bunny, so me and Akame begins laughing ''it's not funny'' ''it is kinda funny''  we stops laughing and i walk over to pet the bunny when an icicle comes down into the bunny killing it instantly i jump up and get's in a fight position Akame and Sheele does the same thing, behind the bush we see General Esdeath and some of her soldiers

''nice to see you three oh and i'm sorry about the bunny but it had to go'' ''you're sick in the fucking head'' ''sick? huh didn't expect that coming from you Y/N'' ''you were following us!''  Akame yells ''of course i was, oh and the bunny was from us'' '' you're fucking crazy''  Sheele says ''of course, boys remember what we talked about, attack!'' the soldiers begin to attack Akame and Sheele while me and Esdeath fight we get away from the others and Esdeath then get's behind me and puts her hand on my mouth and the other one holding my hands together ''retreat!!, i got what we came for''  she says, before everything goes black

when i wake up i'm in some sort of cell and my hands are tied together when i look in front of me i see Esdeath outside the cell...watching me, creepy ''good your finally awake'' then she opens the cell door ''let's get you up princess~'' she helps me sit up ''don't fucking touch me'' ''now now, be kind, my little princess'' ''no fuck you, i'm here with you and you killed that bunny'' ''well first of all that bunny had to die and second of all you're here because i simply love you'' ''well i don't love you so get out'' she grabs my chin forcefully and her face comes closer to mine "what makes you think you have the right to give me orders, i am the one giving orders, so shut your dirty little mouth'' then she lets go of my chin 

''you know princess... you should be grateful i haven't killed you yet'' ''why should i be grateful and why haven't you killed me yet?'' ''you should be grateful because your still in one piece and i haven't killed you yet because as i said before i love you and you're mine'' ''no i'm not yours fucking bitch'' ''what did you just call me..?'' ''didn't you hear what i said i called you a bitch'' ''apologize'' ''no'' ''i said Apologize''  Esdeath rushes over and pins me to the wall with her hand while her other hand has an icicle she presses it against my arm it's an instrusiating pain ''Apologies. NOW!'' ''f-fine i'm s-sorry''

Esdeath lets go of me and i fall to the ground while holding the wound ''we should probably fix that wound of it's gonna get infected'' Esdeath let's me out of the cell and leads me to her room ''go sit on the bed'' i walk to the bed and sit on it, Esdeath get's the bandages and she walk over to me and begin patching my wound ''next time behave my little princess, understood?'' ''y-yes i understand'' ''Good girl~~'' 

when she's done patching my wounds she puts the bandages away and then she sits next to me on the bed ''i love you Y/N i know you might not love me after everything  but i just want you to be mine which you are, you're mine and only mine'' ''no i'm fucking not!'' i try standing up but Esdeath grabs my hand and pins me down on the bed ''did you forget you're mine?'' ''i'm not yours'' ''are you sure about that?'' Esdeath begins kissing me she puts her tongue in my mouth and then she pulls away and begin kissing my neck i let out small moans then she stops ''You're mine''

(Word count: 777)

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