Revy x fem! reader

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in this one Y/N is 20, and Revy is 35 and they have not met each other yet, and Revy is taller than you, and if your 6 feet tall, now you are 5'5 (166) feet unless you are shorter than 5'7 (172). Rock is not here, in this Au, Revy shot Rock because he was too boring.

Warning: Vulgar Language, degradation to people she isn't friends with, Violence

-3rd person POV

Y/N is walking around Roanapur, when she accidentally bump into someone, She looks up and sees Revy. "look where the fuck you're going, little bitch, before i put a bullet in between your eyes" "i'm sorry ma'am" "ma'am!? who the fuck do you think you are talking to?! i aint no ma'am! you want to get shot huh?!" She says getting her gun in her hand "no, not right now" Revy Chuckles and puts her gun in her holster again "not right now, huh? what's your name little bitch?" "My name is Y/N" "Y/N, huh, a bit basic, but i guess it'll do, so Y/N what are you doing out here?" She says leaning against a wall, with a bottle of whiskey in her hand "i'm just out walking, nothing more" "just walkin'? okay, sure, nothing else?" Revy takes a swig from her Whiskey bottle. 

"yeah, nothing else, i just wanted some fresh air" Revy takes two cigarettes from her pocket, she lights them both, putting the one in her mouth "alright, here, take a cigarette" She offers you a cigarette "no thank you, i don't smoke" "i said fucking take a cigarette, before you end up with a bullet in your fucking head" She aggressively offer you the cigarette "o-okay... fine" you take the cigarette and take a puff of it and blew it out "see that ain't so bad, now is it?" "its just smoke" "but its still fucking good! come on finish it" 

you continue smoking with Revy, when you two finish smoking, Revy and you put out the cigarettes, then she puts her arm over your shoulder, and walks with you "come now" "where are we going?" Y/N asks hesitatingly "to my place of course, we are gonna hang out, is that a problem?" "oh no of course not" "good" Y/N and Revy walks to Revy's place


Me and Revy walks into her apartment complex, then Revy plops herself down on her couch "come sit!" i nod and sit on the couch and Revy puts her arm around my neck and pulls me closer "come on don't be shy! here have a drink!" She offers you a glass of whiskey "i am not old enough to drink yet" "how old are ya?" "20" "who cares! its not gonna kill ya!" "i don't want to drink tho" "too bad, i said drink!" Revy put the glass to my mouth and i take a sip 

"more!" i drink the whole glass "that's what i'm talkin about!!" She claps my shoulder "so how'd it taste?" "its very bitter" "yeah but it is good!" Revy says as she downs her own alcohol glass "well Revy i will need to go now" "what are ya talkin about! no, you're gonna stay here!" "but i need to go to sleep" "come on! its only 11 PM! but fine, come!" She drags me to her bedroom "you're gonna stay here and sleep there" "but-" "no! go to sleep now!" "fine"

-Second person POV

You sleep in Revy's bed, while she drinks on the couch, when Revy decides to go to bed, she moves you aside, and lays with you, the next morning, you wake up and walk into the kitchen where you see Revy with blood on her boots, making food "hey! good mornin! don't worry about the blood, i just killed someone, and i kicked his face in! anyway, i am making us some food, go sit on the couch" 

you sit on the couch, when Revy is finished with the food, she sets two plates on the table, you two eat the food while watching a movie, when you two finish, Revy just stands up to get some alcohol, she sits down and pours you both a glass of Alcohol "here, drink!" you both drink the alcohol. "that's what i'm talkin about! now come here!" Revy grips your shirt and pulls you closer to her, then she kisses you passionately, and she moves her hand to your thigh under your skirt.

(Word Count: 739)

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