Balalaika x Fem! Reader LEMON

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You work as a hotel assistant in this one, and Balalaika needed to do some work, so she slowly wants you to be hers and you're also shy or you are bad at socializing (like me). Balalaika is bigger than you. Bal

Trigger warning: Sexual stuff/Swearing.

-Second POV

"[Y/N] wake up" you groggily sit up from the bench, and you see your boss Miranda, she grabs your arm and walks with you to the reception "so there is a russian Lady in room 203, she is a dear friend of mine, and i want you to go ask if she wants anything to drink" "b-but why do i have to? can't anyone else do it?" "i want you to do it, because it's also good for you to get better at socializing" "fine, i-i'll do it" you walk over to the elevator, and you take it up to the second floor, you walk to room 203, and hesitatingly knock on the door, it creaks open slightly, and you see a tall woman with blonde hair and scars "Yes?" "i c-came to ask if you needed a-anything to drink" 

Balalaika thinks before answering "get me some Vodka, the finest vodka you have" "yes ma'am" you leave to get the Vodka, when you take a Vodka bottle, you go back to the room, and She opens the door fully this time. "good, come in" you walk inside, and Balalaika sits at her desk. "come here" you walk over in front of the desk "now pour me a glass and come sit" you pour her a glass of the fine vodka "w-where should i sit?" Balalaika takes the glass and sips of it "sit on my lap" You hesitate, but since you are nervous for what she will say or do if you refuse, you sit on her lap. "good girl, now stay, don't worry i will make sure that Miranda won't fire you" 

She makes you stay on her lap, with one of her hands on your thigh, her hand covering part of your thigh, after some hours she finally closes her laptop. "good girl, you can leave now, just tell Miranda that i told you to stay here" You nod "a-alright" You get off her lap and you walk out the room, and closes the door, you walk to the reception and you see Miranda sitting there. "what were you doing? you were gone for 2 hours" "w-well Balalaika a-asked me to stay in the room" Miranda nods "okay, i'll believe you, i know Balalaika can be quite demanding, now you can go and eat some lunch" you nod, and you walk to the break room, where you eat your lunch, when you finish you pack it away, and then you relax, when Miranda comes in. "Balalaika asked for another bottle of the Vodka" you nod, stand up and walks to get the Vodka, when you get there she opens the door. "come on in [Y/N]" you walk inside, without questioning as to how she knows your name, and she closes the door behind you, then she sits at her desk again. "pour me a glass" 

you nod, and pour her a glass of vodka, Careful not to spill, but you accidentally spill on her skirt, but she looks calm rather than angry, you quickly apologize. "i'm so sorry, i-i didn't mean to" She stands up and walks over to a wardrobe. "it's fine, don't worry" She says as she removes her skirt, you look away to respect her privacy, she changes into some black pants which makes her look even more intimidating, and it's showing off her mucles even more. "you can look now, but you didn't need to look away, i don't mnd such a beautiful girl such as yourself seeing me naked" She says as she sits down at her desk again. "w-well it was to respect your privacy" you leave the wine bottle on the desk and is about to walk away. "stay. come sit on my lap" You nod and walk over to her and you sit on her lap. 

She moves and puts her hand on the keyboard of her laptop on either side of you, you can feel her tones abs, she writes for a long time on her laptop, she seems very calm and stoic, but then she moves her hands away from the laptop, and then grabs your chin, she kisses you, it surprises you, it seems like she was trying to know whether of not to make a move on you, its your first kiss ever, you try kissing back, but she is more dominant in the kiss, she also uses her tongue, you can taste wine on her tongue, you can feel her move her hand to your inner thigh, she moves everything on the desk away, she sets you up on the desk, she kisses you passionately, she removes your skirt and panties, she spreads your legs, while still kissing you, she begins moving three of her fingers in you, she moves them gently, curling them up hitting a soft spot, makinng you moan in the kiss, Balalaika moves her fingers out of you and licks them, she moves to kiss your neck as she takes your panties and skirt on you again, then she whispers in your ear.

Word count: 889

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11 ⏰

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