Kirari x Fem! reader

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in this one it's where Y/N loses to Kirari and becomes her house pet but she can't pay of her debt, but she pays her debt another way..

Disclaimer: there won't be any sexual content only a bit of kissing


i am walking with Yumeko Mary and Ririka when someone walks up to us it's Itsuki ''hey Y/N i wanna challenge you to a gamble'' Itsuki says smirking with a challenging look ''me? why me?'' ''because i have never seen you gamble and i wanna see how good you are, so what do you say? i promise it's just a little friendly gamble'' ''sure what game?'' ''what about choice poker?'' ''choice poker?'' ''yeah if you don't know what it is the dealer will explain the game''

''whose the dealer?'' '' who do you want it to be?'' ''why didn't you find a dealer before asking me?'' ''because i thought that you would decline'' ''well i don't know'' ''how about someone from the student council''  Yumeko suggests ''but who?'' ''i can be the dealer'' Ririka suggest '' sure where should we gamble?'' ''come with me''  Itsuki says, we follow itsuki to a room where there's a choice poker table, me and itsuki sit down.

''okay the rules are simple each player is dealt 5 cards and allowed to exchange any number of cards once Face up, the hand rankings are the same: five of a kind is the strongest hand and high card is the weakest, A joker is incorporated and if drawn, automatically makes the strongest hand ranking possible'' when the Gamble is done the results are clear i won ''Y/N is the winner'' ''huh didn't expect for you to win'' Itsuki chuckles "are you okay Itsuki?" i ask "y-yeah, i'm fine, i'm totally not mad" then the door opens, it's kirari ''Ririka can you come with me for a minute?'' ''oh sure you guys can just go to lunch without me''

-Kirari's POV 

there's going to be a meeting i need to find Ririka then i hear it ''Y/N is the winner'' it's Ririka's voice i walk over to the door where i heard the voice and opens it where i see Yumeko, Mary, Itsuki, and.... Y/N, "Y/N won? that's a surprise, i didn't' know she would win" i think to myself, but then i begin talking ''Ririka can you come with me for a minute?'' ''oh sure you guys can just go to lunch without me'' me and Ririka is walking towards the student council room ''Ririka who is that girl Y/N?'' ''um she's just my friend, she was just going to gamble with itsuki just a friendly gamble'' ''is that so?''  Ririka nods slightly, then we arrive we arrive at the student council room, after the meeting i searched Y/N in the school database and found a whole bunch about her


me and Yumeko and Mary are eating lunch when Ririka comes ''hi i'm sorry if i was gone for too long'' ''no need to apologize'' i say, when everyone has finished eating we walk around the school and just talk when Kirari comes up in front of us ''Y/n i want to gamble with you'' ''well i am with my friends'' ''i promise it will be quick'' i think before answering "i'll think about it'' ''Alright i will need an answer by the end of the day'' then Kirari leaves ''why would she just ask me so suddenly?'' ''maybe because she saw you gamble with itsuki'' ''yeah maybe'' we begin walking again and soon school ends.

everyone is leaving and i begin walking home tomorrow when i have arrived i see Yumeko, Mary, and Ririka ''hello''  i say with a little wave ''hey, do you have any plans for today?'' Mary asks ''no not really''  i say having forgotten what Kirari told me yesterday ''okay', well what about we-'  Mary is interrupted by Kirari "Y/n?'' i hear someone call me when i turn around i see Kirari ''do you need something?'' ''it seems you forgot what i told you yesterday'' ''i'm sorry, yeah i did forget'' ''well i need an answer now, do you want to gamble or not'' ''sure what game?'' ''blackjack, oh and i want Y/n alone''  Mary scoffs''pff, okay fine, see you then Y/n'' ''yeah see you'' i follow Kirari  when we arrive i sit in front of Kirari 

''the Rules are quite simple One player serves as the dealer and places one face-up and one face-down card in front of them. The other player is then dealt 2 face-up cards. The player's goal is to have a total sum higher than that of the dealer without exceeding 21. After receiving their cards, the player may hit or stand if the player decides to hit the player is given an additional card. If the player's total exceeds 21, they will have instantly lost and the dealer wins. If not, they may hit again or stand if the player stands the player turn ends and the dealer reveals their second card If the dealers total is over 21 and the player's total has not exceeded 21, the player has won Otherwise, the player with the higher total sum is the winner and we will play 10 rounds i will also be the dealer, do you understand?'' "yes, i understand"

we begin gambling and it's the last round i have a 20 ''i will hit'' then Kirari takes a card Kirari lays her cards on the table and i do the same, kirari has a 21 ''seems like i won you're now in debted to me'' ''that's unfair! i don't have the money to pay it off'' ''that's to bad seems like you have to become a house pet then'' Kirari walks over to me and takes the house pet tag around my neck i walk to Yumeko, Mary, and Ririka "hey Y/N how did it go?" Yumeko asks, "i lost" "how much do you owe her?" " 60 million yen'' ''i can pay for it''  Yumeko suggests ''no i don't want you to pay that much that's almost all of your money'' ''how much money do you have Y/n?''

''um i have 20 million yen but i don't want anyone paying my debt because i will feel guilty and i will feel like i have to pay the person that payed my debt the same amount of money and i would never get that money'' (i have watched Kakegurui i just don't remember how they know how much money they own)

-Kirari's POV

i won against Y/N she looked quite sad of course but i don't care she can't even pay her debt to me just what i had planned now she will be mine and only mine maybe i should look into how much money she has that could be helpful then i hear the door open it's Ririka ''if you have come to reason with me it's not going to work'' ''but Y/n can't even pay of her debt and she doesn't want other people paying of her debt because she will feel guilty'' ''well that's not my problem'' "but please Kirari, maybe just let me pay her dept" "no, besides we share money, so i refuse, and i planned for it to happen that way, i always win" "but Kirari-" "no buts, i will not change my mind" "A-Alright.."

Then Ririka leaves. I look at Y/n's information she has 20 million yen, lives alone... full name is Y/n L/n ''Sayaka can you please get Y/n for me'' ''sure''  then Sayaka leaves to get Y/n

  -Y/N POV

i am talking with Yumeko, Mary, and Ririka when Sayaka comes up to us ''um Kirari wants to see you'' ''do i have to go?'' ''yes or she will get you herself'' "why does she want to see me, so many times?" i mumble and then follow Sayaka to the student council room and she opens the door ''good Sayaka you can leave now'' ''as you wish''  Sayaka leaves and closes the door behind her ''Y/n come over to me'' Kirari closes her laptop and i walk over to her ''take a chair and sit down'' "why? i don't want to" "i said, take a fucking chair and sit down, nowi take a chair and sits down in front of her as she told me to ''i'm happy you came'' ''that's because i didn't have a choice'' ''you are correct about that'' ''why did you want to see me?'' 

''because i have another way you can pay of your debt...'' ''and what is that?'' ''be my girlfriend'' ''what!?'' ''be my girlfriend, i said'' i do kinda have a crush on her, but she's a psychopath ''no i'm not gonna be your girlfriend'' ''well if you be my girlfriend all your debt will be gone and i will make sure your not gonna get any more debt, but if you continue refusing, i will take all your Yen forcefully, so you'll have to go to the streets''  "you wouldn't do that" "oh trust me i will"  i sigh''is there any things i need to do if i decide to become your girlfriend'' ''yes there is, if you become my girlfriend i don't want you hugging anyone and i want you to do as i tell you to, that's it, it should be quite easy not to mess it up so are you gonna be my girlfriend or not?''

''okay, fine, i'll be your girlfriend i guess'' ''good girl, but i won't clear all your debt just yet'' ''but you promised'' ''i will clear your debt on one condition" "what is it"  "you are gonna kiss me" "what!? no i won't fucking kiss you" "did you forget what we agreed to? you do as i say" ''fine'' ''good come sit on my lap now, my princess''  then i sit on Kirari's lap and she grabs my chin and kisses me she puts her tongue in my mouth she pulls away and takes the House pet tag off my neck

(Word count: 1666)

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