Chapter Eight

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Luz left for her shift an hour early and I've just been staring at the ceiling not exactly certain what I should do. Pushing myself up I let my eyes roam the room before sighing again. There was a knock at the door at that moment and I looked at it not believing it was Luz. Getting up I start to walk to the door, opening it cautiously. On the other side was the guard assigned to my door and Hunter.

"Hunter, is something wrong?" I tilted my head asking with concern. He smiled at me before waving my concern away.

"No, of course not. I was just wondering if you wanted to go explore for a bit. I could show you around if you'd like while it's still light out?" He offered and I felt my shoulders drop.

"You read my mind. It's too quiet in this room for me." I chuckled and he stepped back and to the side so I could come out. After that, we left the building as Hunter began to point out our surroundings and give details about The Sanctuary, its people, and the story of how it came to be. As we were passing the front gate I caught a glimpse of Luz standing high above watching the perimeter with the other guards. As if she felt my gaze she turned her head in time for our eyes to meet and she lifted her hand to wave toward me. I smiled as I waved in return.

"How did you and your girlfriend meet anyways?" Hunter asked me drawing my eyes from Luz. His labeling of Luz as my girlfriend made me trip over my feet before I fixed my footing and straightened my posture. Looking up from the ground I had almost personally acquainted my face with I saw him looking at me patiently waiting for my answer. He shifted to place his hands behind his back only moving them as he waved to passing members of the community.

"Right, well, she saved my life." I started and he looked toward me as his interest seemed to of peaked. "I had been running and I was so weak from lack of sleep and everything. In my escape, I had somehow managed to become surrounded though she came out of nowhere to save me." I looked off towards the sky as I attempted to recall further details. "I had passed out and when I woke up I was safe inside a building and she offered me food and water." The memory brought out a smile to grow on my face.

"Really?" He said in disbelief and I nodded my head at him. "Well, that's probably the most romantic way to meet someone during the apocalypse." He chuckled at his joke and I rolled my eyes, falling into the comfort of his genuine conversation. This reminded me how I hadn't spoken or interacted with someone besides my brother except Luz for a long time. It felt nice, normal almost, to just talk to someone else so openly even if the topic was about the world and how it stands now.

"Yeah, I guess so," I mumbled before smiling to myself. After that Hunter showed me the rest of The Sanctuary before guiding me back to my room. "Thanks for the tour, Hunter. I appreciate it!" I told him with excitement and he gave me a large smile at this.

"It was no problem." He looked down at his watch. "Luz should be done with her shift shortly. Have a good night!" He bowed towards me politely before heading away. I gave the guard outside the room a little wave before I shut the door gently.

Hunter wasn't wrong as after a few minutes I heard the door open and I pushed myself up on the bed. She came in still wearing the guard uniform; brown boots, cargo pants, and a t-shirt. Sighing, she looked over at me and I smirked. "How was your shift soldier?" I teased, jokingly asking her. Her face became neutral as she seemed to look back on things in her mind.

"It was nice. The guys were fun to hang with. Made me feel like I've been living here for years." She started to move towards me, taking a seat on the edge of the bed beside me as she started undoing her boot laces. "How was your little walk with Hunter?" She asked as she took her boots off and set them beside her.

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