Chapter Eleven

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Luz had been silent for a while, acting distant as we traveled away from the school. This wasn't something I could blame her for as I too stayed quiet and to myself. What we had gone through was dangerous and the near-death experience we had just nearly escaped from was all too real. It had all almost ended because Luz had wanted to make me happy. It was my fault our lives were put at risk because the reality of the world we're living in still hasn't stuck in my head.

I had acted selfish, thinking only of myself and how this world had been affecting me. Acting as if I was the only one who had to live in it. As if I'm the only one who had suffered from the loss and pain this world had caused. I was foolish and almost got both of us killed as a result. Why did I have to act so stupid? Why couldn't the simple act of living be enough for me? In a world like this, I had already been beating the odds.

Looking up I saw Luz looking on edge as her eyes shifted around constantly. As if she were nervous that something bad could happen at any moment. And it was sad for me because I knew it had been because of what had almost happened to us. "Luz," I spoke her name and she flinched looking back at me.

"What? Is something wrong? Did something happen?" She rushed out before walking up to me and grabbing my arm, her eyes scanning the surrounding area.

"No Luz, I'm fine. It's just..." I trailed off and her eyes left from scanning and locked with mine.

"Just what?" She said though her voice sounded annoyed and strained. Her brows furrowed as a frown grew on her face. It took me a moment to come up with the right words to respond with and she let out a breath. "What is it Amity?" She said with frustration in her tone and I took a step back at that.

Removing her grip from me I crossed my arms while giving her an unimpressed look. "Okay, first, your tone is not necessary." She took a step back from me as her frown fell further. "And secondly, you need to relax, Luz. You're too tense right now looking around as if something is going to jump at us at any moment." I explained.

"Well, if you haven't noticed, we have put our lives at risk too many times to count at this point. Not to mention we are also being hunted by, not only monsters but the people after me as well. And those are only the threats we know of." She was breathing heavily and I felt my arms fall to my sides at her confession. "If we keep doing stuff like this we'll be not only hurt but possibly killed before you even get the chance to find your family." She continued.

"And what about you Luz? What is your reason to keep doing this with me?" I raised my arms overwhelmed by everything. "I mean besides running from the people hunting you it seems like you have no reason to stay with me! So why are you still here?" I shouted at her but I regretted my words as soon as they left me.

I watched Luz's face fall and shift to what looked like a pained expression. "Luz, I didn't mean that." I attempted to take back what I said. Trying to explain it away but she just turned around and started to walk forward. "Wait, Luz!" I outstretched my arm toward her and rushed to catch up.

"It's fine Amity! Let's just keep going okay?" The words fell from her quickly as she held her fists at her side. She kept going even when I tried to stop her with a hand on her shoulder. Suddenly, she turned around and grabbed my arm, dragging me down behind a car.

"Luz what..." I was cut off as she pushed me against the door and leaned in front of me holding her hand against my mouth. My eyes went wide at how quick these actions took her and the lack of distance that was placed between us. Her finger went up to her lips signaling me to stay quiet as I heard the sound of multiple vehicles passing by near us.

I looked up at the side of her face as she rose a bit to catch a glimpse through the tinted car window. She looked back at me, slowly removing her hand from my lips and staring at me with a look in her eyes. Something shifted in her gaze as she lifted a hand and tucked a stay hair behind my ear. I watched her, unmoving as she brought her hand back to her side. "There's a," she started before swallowing and continuing, "group passing by us currently."

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