Chapter Nine

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I wasn't sure who to trust except for Luz so I followed her as we navigated the halls. Luz held a tight grip on my hand as we forced smiles when passing other members of the community going about their daily life. It seemed as though this attempt against our lives was not something that was known to the whole community. Some saw us and acted as they had before, leading me to believe this was a plan only certain people knew about.

I was uncertain who could be a part of it, but I was not willing to let my guard down for anyone. Luz's hand left mine for a moment as she looked down a hall. Suddenly, Hunter came around a corner surprising me with a worried smile on his face. "Amity, I'm so glad I found you..." Before Hunter could say anymore Luz rushed toward him, twisting his arm behind his back, and shoving him against the wall.

I watched him groan in pain but I stumbled back scared of him. People have tricked me like this before. I had thought this time would be different because Luz was by my side. In this case, I just couldn't take such a chance anymore, even if Hunter had been kind. Because, if I thought about it, the guard who tried to kill us had also acted in fabricated kindness. My mind went to that dark place again.

"Luz, you have to understand that I am only trying to help you! That group is here and they came looking for you." She turned him to face us and shoved him against the wall a little harder than what I'd usually think necessary. However, after what just had gone down previously, I had been secretly hoping she'd hurt them as she was now. I was tired of getting tricked by the bad people of this new, yet horrid world we found ourselves in.

"Tell me what is going on, now." Luz had said this in a dark, menacing tone that would usually scare me. Though now all I wanted to do was encourage her to continue with such. Hunter raised his hands and nodded his head slowly.

"This group, we usually play nice and they leave us alone. Yet, now they've just showed up saying they're looking for you guys." He explained before slowly letting his hands fall. An action my eyes caught while Luz just kept her eyes right on his. "These people aren't good. So if you are running there has to be a reason. And I want to help you." His words went right through me.

"You think we're just going to believe you? After what just happened to us you want to offer us your help?" I scoffed, rolling my eyes and crossing my arms. "You'd have better luck fooling someone else," I said, silently fuming.

"I'm telling you Amity! I didn't even know that some of my guards were planning anything until it was too late!" His tone slipped into the softer, more genuine one I had grown used to. "I'm not sure what happened or why these people are hunting you down but I am being honest with you when I say I didn't know!" He exclaimed with determination. I wanted to believe him, I did, but I can't take any chances.

"No! You're lying! You have to be!" I screamed without thinking and he looked hurt.

"He's telling the truth," Luz stated softly and my fight against him fell only a small amount.

"How do you know?" I asked her, still hesitant.

"I just know Amity." She said it bluntly, probably annoyed I had even asked her that, but I was scared of the situation we were in. Now I can't stop second-guessing everything. Then I remembered that this was Luz and I trusted her.

"Okay," I said turning towards Hunter. "Luz and I have to get out of here. It's not safe for us. Is there another way out of here besides the front gate?" Luz backed away from him and he slowly relaxed.

"There's a garage where we store all of the vehicles. A few guards and community members built a way for cars to leave The Sanctuary at the back wall." He looked between Luz and me. "I can take you two there now and you guys can take one of the cars." He explained.

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