Bad Day

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Summary: Chan has a long day and gets into a small argument with Seungkwan, resulting in Chan doubting himself and his abilities. But he is quickly reassured of these thoughts by the older soon after, followed by some tickling and cuddles.


Chan didn't know what it was but today just felt like it was going to be a bad day.

Maybe he was just making a big deal of it because he had just woke up and was late getting ready, having to basically racing to leave, who know. But as the maknae locked the door and ran down the stairs two at a time one thing was for sure, he definitely didn't have a good start to his day.

The young boy had finally got all the way out the building and raced out the door when he saw the last one of his company cars pull out the parking lot. Frustrated Chan then sighed in frustration and ran a hand through his hair.

Now how was he going to get to his practice on time?

The boy then thought about all his possibilities that he had open to him and opted to just run the whole way, not trusting himself to drive all the way there in time after having to already jump through a lot of hoops just to find one and use a company car.

Why couldn't his hyungs have just waited or woke him up that morning to his alarm so he didn't have to do this today of all days.

Chan didn't hate a good prank here and there but today on this day was just not one of them. Mostly due to with all the upcoming events that Seventeen had coming up for their next comeback and all the other work the maknae also had to film on top of that as well. I mean he also had been working with Jihoon on a some song lyrics for their comeback as well, the young boy having been told multiple time by the older that they had a dead line in couple of weeks and needed him to make sure it got done before then, leaving the boy to add yet a another thing to his already long list of things to worry about right now.

It also just so happened that this day was one of Chan's busiest days of his whole month, it having one thing right after the other once the day got going. Chan only had roughly an hour of extra time all together in between each one of his shoots. So it was easy to see where the boy was coming from, right?

With all that in mind Seventeen's maknae didn't know what to do and was starting to see his whole plan he scheduled yesterday fall apart in mere minutes after he woke up.

Chan then stretched for a few seconds before he was off, running all the way to his company's practice building with nothing but getting there on time replaying over and over in his mind.

Upon the maknae's arrive at the Pledis building twenty five minutes later he was greeted by all his hyungs amused faces. Some having a smile and or a slight laugh at their prank on their maknae, and some having some what apologetic stare.

Chan just looked over at all of them with an agitated glare and said, "You could have woken me up."

About a quarter of his hyungs cracked up and started to laugh harder at their youngest appearance.

The maknae just ignored them and started to get ready for their group dance practice but only now realizing that he did look a little messy from rushing from earlier, the boy having miss matching socks, wild hair, and an odd combination of everything else.

Oh well, The boy thought with a slight shrug, thinking about how he wouldn't be able to go out and look like this later. I'll just have the stylists fix it later

A few hours later Chan was tired and sweaty, now being freshly finished with all the choreography learning from practice.

As the maknae dragged himself into his company car and buckled his seat he looked out the window he thought about how he had at least three other places he had to go before he was finished with all the shooting today.

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