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Summary: Chan is accused of something he didn't do and Jeonghan is now angry about it. Which leads to Chan to getting really stressed out till the point of him getting sick. A simple little misunderstanding that lead to big concerning outcome.


Legos were the cause of this.

Wait actually take that back legos were just the beginning of this, not the whole reason the whole misconception happened. The real reason was the stupid black bennie hat.

It all started on a regular night with a clear sky shining over the city, with Jeonghan and Chan just chilling in the living room of the dorm. Both taking a relaxing day to just sit and do nothing on one of their free days, away from all their practice and schedules.

At the moment the dorm didn't have any of the other members currently in it except for the two boys in the living room, the rest deciding to go out their separate ways for some fun on the free night. Them all probably not returning for a good couple hours at least.

"Chan-ah," Jeonghan called enthusiastically, as he turned to look over at the younger boy. "Can you come over here for a second please."

The younger boy looked over form the couch and walked over to his hyung like the older of the two requested.

"Yes, hyung?" The maknae asked curiously, not having a clue as to what the older wanted.

The second eldest motioned to the figure in front of him and said, "Look at what I just finished."

The younger of the two looked at the figure in amazement.

It was an incredible highly detailed model of solar system made entirely out of legos.

"Wow hyung," Chan exclaimed happily. "It looks so cool!"

Jeonghan smiled down at his masterpiece.

"It took me like three days to make."

"That's a long time hyung. Was it worth it?"

"Yes Chan-ah it was totally worth it."

Jeonghan then continued to explain why it took so long to make and show the maknae all the cool features on the lego set.

Twenty or thirty minutes go by and Jeonghan checked the time, then looked over at Chan.

"I'm going to go take a shower real quick okay, so be careful with the lego set here."

The younger nodded with a small 'okay' and just watched as the older disappeared into the hallway.

Chan moved over to the couch and grabbed the tv remote.

Well if he's going to take a shower then I'm going to watch something till he gets back

With that the maknae turned the tv on and was about to put on his favorite K-drama till he heard a knock on the door.

Chan sighed as he turned the tv off and got up to move towards the door to see who it was.

As the boy opened the door he was meet by one of Seventeen's managers holding a black bennie hat.

The younger boy, slightly surprised, gave a polite bow.

"Manager-nim what uhhh... Brings you here tonight?"

The manager then held the hat up for the younger to see better.

"I think one of you boys took my hat instead of yours yesterday." The man's voice calm and unagitated. "I was just here to see if you guys had it here at your dorm so I could get it back."

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